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Scientific Facts - Islam Guidance

  • Do not Indulge in Drink


    The ill effects of alcohol are many while its advantages are few indeed. Firstly, the alcoholics gradually lose the power of working with their own strength and gradually slip into a condition where they cannot go on with the artificial and borrowed stimulation from drinks; secondly, the, will power of the alcoholic almost completely disappears in time, and they are thus made the victims of various moral and physical weaknesses which only degrade them.
    There are also some people of a balanced temperament who keep their drinking within limits. But it has been observed that even in such cases, both, physical and moral damage undoubtedly takes place and had they not taken even that limited quantity of alcohol, they would have been better people in every respect.
    In his book "Applied Pharmacy" Dr. A. J. Clark has listed the findings of many experiments about the effects of alcohol consumption. Some experts would convey an idea of the conclusions reached by scientists.
    In 1920 Smith and McDougal demonstrated experimentally that in the first stage of intoxication when the proportion in blood is less than 2 milligram per on cubic centimeter, apparently there is no effect on the system of the drunkard. But detailed experiments show that the speed of all activities and the general health are deleteriously affected. The inhibiting force of the emotions weakens and the centers exercising control over the emotion get so vitiated that every impulse of the drunkard gets immediately manifested.

    Ref: Al-Islam.org

  • Scientific facts in the Quran

    Scientific facts in the Quran

  • Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an!!!

    Many non-Muslims embraced Islam after they came across several Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an already mentioned 1400 year ago, which Science only discovered in the 20th-century.
    Listen to the testimonies of these scientists from their own mouth regarding the Quran, that shocked their minds and even some of these scientists accepted Islam!

    "We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?"
    [Qur'an 41:53]

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