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Zechariah - Islam Guidance

  • Birth Anniversary of Imam al-Sadiq (AS)

    Zechariah, who was a Christian, drew the attention of his Muslim friend Abdollah towards a person who was going to the mosque, and said: "Do you know him? Do you know how kind he is ?
    Abdollah replied: Yes, but I thought that only Muslims know him and not the followers of other religions .
    Zechariah, the Christian gentleman, who was still not properly acquainted with the identity of the man going towards the mosque, said: I am indebted for my life to him. Once when I had lost my way in the desert and was dying of thirst, he kindly approached me, gave me water to drink from his goatskin water carrier, although it was almost empty. He even gave his food to me and showed me the way towards Medina. I thought Prophet Jesus (A.S) has come to my help.
    Abdollah told his Christian friend: He is the leader of Muslims; he is Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) who is a direct descendant of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). He adheres to the ways and behavior of his forefathers and his name is a byword for generosity, forgiveness and virtue.
    Zechariah, the Christian gentleman, who had pinned his eyes to the mosque even after Imam Sadiq (A.S) had entered it, saw several youths hurrying towards the mosque although it was not the time for prayer. He asked his friends: Why are they going to the mosque?
    Abdollah replied: Soon Imam Sadiq (A.S) will start giving lessons and these are his students who have come from different lands to learn different sciences from him.
    Zechariah enthusiastically got up and said he was eager to hear the words of the Imam.
    Abdollah said: do not hurry, we will go together. I am one of his students and I have benefited much from the vast sea of his knowledge.
    The two entered the mosque and sat down among the students. Although a Christian, Zechariah listened with rapt attention to the Imam's discourse. He felt amazed at the depth of knowledge of Imam Sadiq (A.S). He had regularly visited Churches and monasteries but had never heard such wise words with clear reasoning.
    Abdollah realized the change of state of Zechariah and turning to him said that soon you will be a student and disciple of the Prophet's successor. It was not long when the clear reasoning and rational proofs of the 6th Imam transformed Zechariah into a devoted Muslim and follower of the Ahlul-Bayt.
    Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) was thus the 6th infallible Imam. He was born in 83 AH and was twelve years old when his grandfather, Imam Zayn al-Abidin, the survivor of the tragedy of Karbala, passed away. At the age of 31 the mantle of divinely-decreed leadership fell on his shoulders when his father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S), was fatally poisoned. For the next 34 years Imam Sadiq built up the nucleus of the Muslim society by training a whole generation of Islamic scholars in various fields of knowledge including practical sciences. Jabir ibn Hayyan who is considered as the Father of Chemistry, was among his students.
     The political conditions of the time when the Omayyad and the Abbasid were fighting for control of the realm, provided precious breathing space to Imam Sadiq (A.S) to propound to the Muslim masses the practice, behavior, hadith and jurisprudence of the Prophet. For this reason, the genuine Islamic jurisprudence is also known as Fiqh-e Ja'fari in honor of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) although whatever he thought was not innovation but the word and deed of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). This school of thought with its dynamic concept of Ijtihad or independent reasoning on the basis of the Holy Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet had excellently catered to the expanding human needs in view of the times and conditions .
    On the auspicious birthday of Imam Sadiq (A.S) we bring you two wise statements from that him: He said:
    "Either be a scholar, or try to seek knowledge or at least be a follower of the possessors of knowledge."
    "No comfort is better than good temper. Good temper promotes love and affection."
    Ref: Islamic Education Center

  • Mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S)

    Al-Shaykh al-Saduq (the truthful scholar) mentions:
    Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluyeh said: Ali ibn Ibrahim narrated to us from his father from al Rayyan ibn Shabib, He said: I came into the presence of al Reza (A.S) on the first day of Muharram. He said to me: O son of Shabib! Are you fasting? I said: No. So he said: Verily this day is the day on which Zechariah (A.S) called upon his Lord (S.W.T). He said: My Lord! Grant me good offspring from Thee; surely Thou art the Hearer of the prayer. [Sura Ale-Imran, 3:38]. So Allah answered him and ordered the angels to call out to Zechariah (A.S) while he was standing in the mihrab (the prayer-niche), that: Verily Allah gives you the glad-tidings of Yahya. [Sura Ale-Imran, 3:39]. Whoever fasts this day and then calls out to Allah (S.W.T), Allah will respond to him like He responded to Zechariah (A.S).
    Then he said:
    - O son of Shabib! Muharram is the month in which the people of the ignorant (Jahiliyyah) from the past would prohibit oppression and fighting due to its sanctity but this nation did not recognize the sanctity of its month nor the sanctity of its Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). They killed his offspring in this month and captured his women and plundered his burdens (provisions). So Allah will not forgive them that, ever.
    - O son of Shabib! If you were to cry over anything, then cry over Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S), for he was slaughtered like the ram is slaughtered. And eighteen men from the people of his house, the like of whom are not to be found on the earth, were murdered with him. The seven heavens and the earths wailed over his killing. Four thousand of the angels descended toward the earth but they found that he had been murdered. So they shall remain disheveled, dusty till the Mahdi rises; then they will be from his helpers. And their slogan is: Vengeance for the blood of Husain!
    - O son of Shabib! My father narrated to me from his father from his grandfather (A.S): Verily when my grandfather, Hussain (A.S) was killed, the sky rained down blood and red dust.
    - O son of Shabib! If you wept over Hussain (A.S) to the extent that your tears came onto your cheeks, Allah will forgive all of your sins which you have committed, minor or major, little or excessive.
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in meeting Allah (S.W.T) while there is no sin over you, then visit Hussain (A.S).
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in residing in the erected chamber in Jannah along with the Prophet and his progeny (A.S), then curse the murderer of Hussain.
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in having a like of the reward of the one who was martyred with Hussain (A.S), then whenever you mention him, say: How I wish I was with them! I would have attained a great victory!
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in being with us in the highest stages of the Gardens, then grieve over our sorrow and be happy in our happiness. And you must keep to our Wilayah, for verily, were a man to befriend a stone, Allah will raise him with it on the Day of Resurrection.

    Derived from: Wilayat.net

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