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28 Merits specifically for Imam Ali (A.S)

The following is taken from the book Al-Qatra by Sayed Ahmad Mustanbat Vol. 2, Pg. 205, and Hadith. 57 From the book ‘Al-Majmoe al-Raiq min azhaar al-Hadaiq’, 100 merits specifically for the commander of the faithful (A.S), from those which Shaikh Sadooq narrated on the day of Ghadeer in the year 361 Hijri, with the chain of narrators going up to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) about those merits which Allah (S.W.T) chose specifically for the commander of the faithful (A.S). And from those we have chosen 28 merits:
Allah (S.W.T) created Imam Ali (A.S) from the light (noor) of His greatness/Majesty, as the Prophet (PBUHHP) has said, "I and Ali were created from a single light (noor)."
Imam Ali (A.S) worshiped Allah (S.W.T) in the loins of His forefathers and wombs of his mother's since Adam (A.S).
When Imam Ali (A.S) was born, light (noor) appeared from the sky to the surface of the Ka'ba. And the idols that were upon the Ka’ba fell down [upon their faces]. And Satan cried out saying, 'Woe be to the Idols and its worshipers from this new born'
Imam Ali (A.S) used to explain of the sayings (hadith) of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and He used to narrate (or remember?) the sayings (hadith) of all the Messengers.
Imam Ali (A.S) is the container of the knowledge of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
Imam Ali (A.S) was the one to drive away distress/worries from the face of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Isa bin Maryam (S.A) in his proofs except for Prophet Hood.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Ayyub (A.S) in his patience.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Abraham (A.S) in his generosity.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Dawood (A.S) in his power/strength and in his voice.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Solomon (A.S) in his splendor/beauty and his supremacy.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Luckman (A.S) in his wisdom.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Ismael (A.S) in his acceptance/submission and honesty.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Noah (A.S) in the acceptance of his prayer.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to Yunus (A.S) in his affairs.
Imam Ali (A.S) is similar to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in his judgement/ruling except for Prophet Hood.
Imam Ali (A.S) when in battles had Gabriel on his right side and Mikael on his left side and the angel of death in front of Him. And He did not return until Allah (S.W.T) granted victory upon Him.
Imam Ali (A.S) is the first one to be called by His name on the day of Judgement.
The angels seek nearness to Allah (S.W.T) by means of Wilayat of Imam Ali (A.S).
Imam Ali (A.S) uprooted the door of Khaibar and threw it behind his back to a distance of 40 arm’s length. Then made it a bridge, carrying it upon the palm of his hand until all the soldiers crossed over.
The Wilayah of Imam Ali (A.S) was put forth to parts of the earth. So those parts that accepted His Wilayah become beautiful and pure. And those who did not accept His Wilayah became salty land (not supporting any growth)
The Wilayah of Imam Ali (A.S) was put forth to the plants. So those that accepted His Wilayah became beneficial/useful for the people and those that did not accept His Wilayah became poisonous killing.
The moon talked to Imam Ali (A.S) on night of Qadr.
Imam Ali (A.S) was free (in no need) from all the people and the people were in need of Imam Ali (A.S) in knowledge.
Imam Ali (A.S) was along with all the Prophets secretly and with Prophet Mohammad apparently.
When the ring of the door of paradise is hit/struck, it rings and says ‘Ya Ali’.
The tree of Tooba in Paradise is in the house of Imam Ali (A.S) and its branches are in the houses of the believers.
Imam Ali (A.S) is the speaking book of Allah (S.W.T).
[Source: Al-Majmoe al-Raiq min azhaar al-Hadaiq, Vol. 2, Pg. 320]

Source: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

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