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Aisha in the sights of Sunnis

The Sunni trusted Ahmad ibn Hanbal, the head of the Hanbali Sunni sect, in his Musnad (Mosnad), vol. 4, p. 275, h. 18444, printed in Egypt, narrated:
… One day Abu-Bakr heard ‘Ayesha (Aisha) shouting and saying twice or thrice:
“By Allah, indeed I know you (the Prophet) love Ali (A.S) more than me and my father …”
In the Majma’ al Zawaa’ed, vol. 9, p. 202 the same Hadith is narrated with the following difference:
“… Shouting and saying twice or thrice: “By Allah, indeed I know you (the Prophet) love Ali and Fatima (S.A) more than me and my father …”
A few other Sunni documents narrating this Hadith are:
Sharh Moshkel al Aathaar, vol. 13, p. 334, printed in Lebanon 1987; Mo’jam al Sahaabah, vol. 3, p. 144, Salaah ibn Saalem al Mesraati, printed in Medina; …
And let us not forget verse 2 of Surah Hojaraat (49) of the Majestic Qur’an which reads:
“O you, who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the loudness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not.” (2:49)
And here is what the Amir al Mo’menin, Hadrat Ali (A.S), has said regarding ‘Ayesha, as reported in the Nahj-al-Balaaghah, Sermon 156, which is also recorded in the Kanz of the Sunni al-Muttaqi, VIII, 215:
“… As regards a certain woman [Aisha], she is in the grip of womanly views, and malice is boiling in her bosom like the furnace of the blacksmith. If she were called upon to deal with others as she is dealing with me she would not have done it …”
Footnote by the translator of the Nahj al Balaagheh (Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project):
There is no denying the fact that `Aisha’s behavior towards The commander of the faithful (A.S) was throughout inimical, and very often her heart's turbidity expressed itself on her face, and her hatred and dislike became quite apparent, so much so that if in connection with some affair the commander of the Faithfull’s name came up a frown appeared on her forehead and she did not relish pronouncing it with her tongue. For example, when `Ubaydullah ibn `Abdullah ibn `Utbah mentioned to `Abdullah ibn `Abbas the narration by `Aisha namely that "in his death-illness the Prophet, taking support on al-Fadl ibn `Abbas and another person, came to her (Aisha’s) house," `Abdullah ibn `Abbas said:
"Do you know who this 'other man' was?" He said, "No." Then he said, ' "`Ali ibn Abi Talib, but she is averse to name him in a good context."
(Sunni documents: Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad, vol. 6, pp. 34, 228; Ibn Sa`d, at-Tabaqat al-Kabir, vol. 2, part 2, p. 29; at-Tabari, at-Tarikh, vol. 1, pp. 1800-1801; al-Baladhuri, Ansab al-ashraf, vol. 1, pp. 544-545; al-Bayhaqi, as-Sunan al-kubra, vol. 3, p. 396).
In  the Sunni Maqaatel al Taalebeen p. 74 in the biography of Imam Hassan (A.S) is stated that while Imam Hassan (A.S) was being buried , ‘Ayesha riding on a mule asked the aid of the bani Omayyad and the bani Marwaan to cause a riot against the Imam; she said: “By Allah, till there is hair on my head, I will not let you bury him (Imam Hassan (A.S)) here (next to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)).” and the martyred body of the Prophet’s grandson was struck by at least seventy arrows!!!

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