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Back You are here: Home Infallibles Imam Hussein Ibn Ali Muharram The Martyrs of Karbala The Duel of Nafiu ibn Hilal and the Martyrdom of Muslim ibn Ausajah

The Duel of Nafiu ibn Hilal and the Martyrdom of Muslim ibn Ausajah

Nāfiu Ibn Hilal stood up among the companions of Chief of Martyrs (Seyyid ul-Shuhada) (A.S) and went to the battlefield. He was reciting these epic verses:
Nāfiu Ibn Hilal stood up among the companions of Chief of Martyrs (A.S) and went to the battlefield. He was reciting these epic verses:

انا ابن هلال الجملیّ انا علی دین علیّ

“I am the son of Hilali al-Jamali. I am in the religion of Ali.”

Muzahim ibn Harith came to fight him and said:

انا علی دین عثمان

“I am in the religion of Othman.”
Nafiu said: “You are in the religion of Lucifer”. He attacked and killed him. When Amru ibn Al-Hajjaj saw this courage he shouted at the army and said: “O stupid people! Do you know who you are fighting?
Surely these people are horsemen from Egypt and have been breastfed with the milk of courage of a lion and they are craving death. Let no one go to the battlefield because he will be finished. And indeed the number of these people is small and they shall soon be finished. I swear by Allah! If we all do nothing else other than stoning them, we will kill all of them.”
Amru ibn Sa’ad said: “The best idea is that which you have said.” So he therefore sent a messenger to the army to inform them that no one is allowed to go to the battlefield.
Then Amru ibn Al-Hajjaj, together with his army, attacked the companions of Imam Hussein (A.S) on the right flank. After that those hypocrites used these words to incite people to kill the companions of Imam Hussein (A.S).

يا اهل الكوفة! الزموا ءاعتكم و جماعتكم ولا ترتابوا في قتل من مرق من الدّين خالف الامام

O people of Kufa! Enforce your obedience and your unity and do not hesitate in killing whoever separates from the religion and disobeyed the Imam (Yazid).

May Allah fill the mouth of Amru ibn Al- Hajjaj with fire in response to these words which were so painful and affected Imam Hussein (A.S). For one hour, the two armies fought each other. In the course of the battle, Muslim ibn Ausajah Asadi fell down out of severe injury.
Ibn Sa’ad’s army stopped fighting and returned to their camp. When the dust had settled down they saw that Muslim had fallen down. Hazrat Imam Hussein (A.S) ran to him and found him breathing his last breath. He then told him: “May Allah bless you, O Muslim.” Then he read this holy verse:

فمنهم من قضی نحبه و منهم من ینتظر وما بدّلوا تبدیلا

“Among them are people that screamed and among them are people that were patient and never changed (their stance).”
Habib ibn Madhahir, who was also present serving the Imam, went close to Muslim and said: “O Muslim! This pain and torture that you are going through is too much for me. I give you now the glad tidings of Paradise.” Muslim said in a very weak voice: “May Allah bless you.”
Habib said: “If I had known that I shall remain alive after your death I would have loved you to give me your will so that I can carry it out. But I know that in this hour I shall also be killed and join you.”
Muslim said: “I am commanding you to this man -and he pointed at Imam Hussein (A.S) - and then said: “Until the moment that you are alive help him and do not leave him alone until you are killed.”
Habib said: “I seek help from the Lord of the Kaaba not do anything other this and let me enlighten your soul by fulfilling your will.”
So Muslim passed away in the arms of Habib. He was taking him to place him among the dead when he heard the voice of his slave as she said: “O Ibn Ausajah, O my master!”
It becomes clear that Muslim ibn Ausajah was among the brave people of his time just like Shabath had witnessed his courage in Azerbaijan and recorded it in his biography. During the time that Muslim ibn Aqil had gone to Kufa, Muslim ibn Ausajah was his representative in collecting wealth and the selling of weapons and accepting the allegiance of the people.
In addition to this he was also among the pious believers of his time. He always sat next to one of the pillars of the Mosque of Kufa and was busy worshipping and praying, just as it has been reported by Akhbar al-Tiwal Dinuri, who was among the first companions of Imam Hussein (A.S). He heard his talk on the night of Āshura and fought bravely at Karbalā and was reciting these epic verses:

ان تسالوا عنی فانّی ذولبد من فرع قوم من ذری بنی اسد
فمن بغانا حآئد عن الرّشد وکافر بدین جبّار صمد

The epithet of that honorable man is Abu Juhl just as Asadi has mentioned in his own poem.

وانّ ابا جحل قلیل مجحّل

“Juhl” means “queen bee” while “Mujahal” means “fallen on the ground”. The people who killed him were Muslim Dhahabi and Abd al-Rahman Bajali.


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