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His Commandments

His Commandments


The social importance of the person is embodied through the good he does for society. Also his personal importance is embodied through his good deeds. If al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, had nothing but those words which we have mentioned, then they will be enough evidence for his Divine, scientific importance and his concern to reform the nation.

You have read some of his sermons. Here, we will mention some of his commandments for you to read them and to find the efforts of the godly rulers and guides of the nations, who (godly rulers) guided them (nations) to good acts, summoned them kindly to their missions, and taught them sincerely.

His Commandment to His Son al- Kazim:

Some of al- Sâdiq ShVa (followers) came to him while he was giving commandments to his son Mtisâ. Some of them are:

“My son, accept my commandments and memorize my words, for if you memorize them, you will lead a happy (life) and die a praised (death). My son, indeed, whoever is content becomes rich, whoever looks at what in the hand of other than him dies poor, whoever is displeased with what Allah has predestined for him accuses Allah in His Decree, whoever regards his own slip as small regards the slip of others as big.

My son, whoever uncovers the veil of others, his defect is uncovered, whoever draws the sword of disobedience killed with it, whoever digs a well for his brother falls into it, whoever makes friends with the foolish is degraded, whoever makes friends with the knowledgeable is respected, and whoever enters the evil places is accused.

My son, say the truth for you or against you, beware of the slander, for it plants the enmity in the hearts of men. My son, when you seek generosity, seek it from its places (i.e. the noble men), for generosity has places, the places have origins, the origins have branches, the branches have fruit, no fruit is sought but with a branche, and no firm origin but in a good place. My son, when visit, visit the good, but do not visit the wicked, for they are like the solid rock whose water does not gush out, the tree whose leaves do not get green, and the land whose plants do not appear.”[1]

I (the author) say: Some of these words have been mentioned in Nahj alBalâgha. No wonder, for they (the Imams) took knowledge from each other. Perha, al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, has mentioned these words as quotations.
1 al- Shiblanji, NDr al- Abs’r, 163. AbD Nä’Tm, Hulyat al- Awliya’, 3/135.

His Commandments to His Companions:

After the Basmala[1]: Then after this, ask Allah your Lord for health,cleave to meekness, solemnity, and calmness. Cleave to modesty and refrain from what the righteous had refrained before you. Fear Allah, and prevent your tongue (from saying anything) but from the good. Be careful not to sharpen your tongues with false witness, false accusation, iniquity, and aggression.

Because if you prevent your tongues from (saying) what Allah hates, this will be better for you with your Lord than that for which you sharpen your tongues. Because sharpening the tongue (to utter) what Allah abhors and what He prevents (you) from causes disobedience for the servant with Allah, and hatred from Him.

So, Allah will bring on him deafness, dumbness, and blindness on the Day of, you become as Allah has said:” deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they do not understand.” Namely, they will not utter, nor will they be allowed to apologize. Keep silent (from everything) except that which Allah avails you with in your NEXT life and reward you for.

Implore Allah very much, for Allah likes His believing servants to Implore Him, and He has promised His believing servants to accept (their supplication), and Allah will turn the du’â’ of the believers into acts to increase (their rank) in Paradise. So, remember Allah as far as possible at every hour of the hours of day and night, for Allah has ordered (you) to remember Him very much, and Allah remembers him who remembers Him of the believers.

Know that anyone of the believing servants remembers Allah, Allah remembers him with good. So, do your best to obey Allah. That is because nothing of good is obtained from Allah but through obeying Him and refraining from what He has prohibited in the Koran, whether they are open or secret.

He said in His Book and His Words are true:” And abandon open and secret sin.’’2 And know that Allah has prohibited what He has ordered you to refrain from. Do not follow your desires and your ideas so that you go astray, for the most astray one of people in going with Allah is he who follows his desire and his idea without guidance from Allah.

Do good to yourselves as far as possible, for ‘if you do good, you will do good for your own souls, and if you do evil, it shall be for them.’ know that Allah does not make a servant of His servants safe till he (the servant) is pleased with what Allah has done to him.

‘Attend constantly to prayers and to the middle prayer and stand up truly obedient to Allah,’ as Allah, in His Book, had ordered the believer before you.

Beware of might and glory, for glory is the attribute of Allah, the Great and Almighty. So, whoever shares Allah His attribute, Allah breaks him and humiliates him on the Day of judgment.
1 Bismifflhur rahmanur rhim= In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
2 al-An’äm, 121.

Be careful not to wrong each other, for it (wrong) is not among the traits of the righteous, and for whoever wrongs the (others), Allah makes his wrong against him, the help of Allah will be to him who is wronged, whomever Allah helps is victorious and gets victory from Allah. Be careful not to envy each other, for the source of unbelief was envy.

Be careful not to help each other against the oppressed Muslim, so he invokes Allah against you and his invocation is accepted against you. That is because our father (i.e. grandfather) the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said:’ Indeed, the supplication of the oppressed Muslim is accepted. So, you should help each other, for our father the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said:’ Indeed, to help the Muslim is better and greater than to fast and to remain in the scared Mosque.’

Know that Islam (means) submission, and submission (means) Islam. So, whoever submits to (Allah) becomes Muslim; whoever does not submit to (Allah) is not Muslim. And whoever wants to do good to himself, then he should obey Allah. Indeed, whoever obeys Allah does good to himself. Be careful not to disobey Allah, for whoever disobeys Allah does evil to himself. Accordingly, there is a great difference between good and evil- the good people will obtain Paradise from their Lord; the wicked will obtain fire from their Lord. Therefore, obey Allah and a void disobeying Him.”

I (the author) say: These commandments are long. So, we have mentioned some of them. It has been mentioned in the book ‘Roudat alKâfi by al- Kulayni, may his grave be fragrant. About these commandments, al- Kulayni said:” Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, sent them to his companions and ordered them to study these commandments and to put them into practice. So, they put them in their houses. When the performed their prayers, they looked at them.aa
Yes we must study these commandments and put them into practice because they have all good manners.

His Commandments to Abd Allah Bin Jundub:

Abd Allah b. Jundub al- Bajali al- Kuff was the Companion of al- Sâdiq, al- Kâzim, .and al- Ridâ, peace be on them. He was the agent of al- Kazim and al- Ridâ. He was a worshipper, and his rank was very important for the Imams. In his book ‘al- Rijâl’, al- Kashy has mentioned that Abd Allah b. Jundub said to AbU al- Hasan, peace be on him:” Are you satisfied with me?” AbO al- Hasan answered:” By Allah, yes. Allah and His Apostle are satisfied with you, too.”

Al- Sâdiq gave him commandments which have valuable sermons. We have mentioned some of them. He, peace be on him, said:’ Bin Jundub, he who depends on his deed perishes, and he who commits sins is not saved with Allah’s mercy.”’ Bin Jundub said:” Then, who is saved?” Al- Sädiq said:” Those who are between fear and hope.

It is as if that their hearts were in the claws of the bird because of their eagerness for the reward and fear of chastisement.”

“Bin Jundub, Whoever is pleased with that Allah will marry him to young ladies having eyes with a marked contrast between white and black, and crown him with the light, then must delight his believing brother.”

“Bin Jundub, the Satan has snares with which he catch (people). So, beware of his snares and nets.” He (Bin Jundub) said:” Son of the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, what are his snares and nets?” He (al- Sadiq) said:” As for his snares, he (the Satan) prevent (you) from treating the brothers kindly, and as for his nets, he (orders you) to sleep during the time of the prayers which Allah has imposed (on you). Indeed, to move the feet to visit the brothers and to treat them kindly is the best way to worship Allah.
Woe unto those who are heedless from the prayers, who sleep during the time of the prayers, who mock at Allah and His verses in the Koran, ‘Surely they shall have no portion in the hereafter, and Allah will not speak to them, nor will he look at them on the Day of Resurrection nor will He purify them, and they shall have a painful chastisement.’

“Bin Jundub, whoever runs to fulfill the need of his brother is like him who runs between Safa and Marwa, and whoever fulfills his need is like him who sacrifice his blood in the way of Allah on the day of the (Battle) of Badr and ‘Uhud, and Allah did not punish any nation but when it disdained the rights of their poor brothers.”

“Bin Jundub, if you wish like to neighbor the Great (Allah) in His House and dwell Paradise near him, then regard the life in this world as low, remember death frequently, do not save up (money) for tomorrow, and know that what you have advanced is for you, and what you have delayed is against you.”

“Bin Jundub, whoever deprives himself of his earn, indeed, collects to other than him, whoever obeys his whim, surely, obeys his enemy, and whoever fears Allah, Allah guarantees what has made him worried in here and the hereafter and keeps for him what has disappeared from him.

Feeble is he who does not prepare patience for every tribulation, gratefulness for every blessing, and ease for every hardship. Habituate yourto every misfortune in child, money and progeny. Indeed, He (Allah) takes His loan and takes His gift to try with them your patience and your gratefulness.

Hope Allah the hope which does not lead to disobedience and fear Him the fear which does not dash your hope of his mercy. Do not be deceived by he words of the ignorant nor with their praise, for you will be proud, haughty, and conceited with your deeds. Indeed, the best acts are worship and humbleness.

Do not lose your property, which you will leave after your death, to reform the property of others, Be satisfied with what Allah has predestined for you. Do not look but at what you have. Do not wish for what you cannot obtain, for whoever gets satisfied gets full, and whoever is dissatisfied is not full.

Take your portion from your life in the hereafter. Do not be ungrateful during riches, nor be impatient during poverty. Do not be rude that people hate your nearness. Do not be feeble lest he who knows you should disdain you. Do not dispute with those who are superior to you. Do not scorn those who are inferior to you.

Do not dispute with the people of authority. Do. not obey the foolish. Think of every matter before you start to know its beginning and its end. Regard your self as an enemy to make it good. If you do a person a favor, do not spoil it with much reminding. Rather, do a better one than it, for that makes your manner good and achieves your reward in the hereafter.

And cleave to silence to be regarded as meek whether your are ignorant or knowledgeable. Indeed, silence is good with the knowledgeable and as a cover for you with the ignorant.”
Al- Sãdiq, peace be on him, quoted here some commandments of ‘Isa (Jesus), peace be on him, to his companions:” And beware of looking, for it plant an appetite in the heart.

It is an enough trail for its owner. Blessed is he who puts his sight in his heart and does not put his sight in his eye. Do not consider the defects of people as masters, and consider their defects as servants. Indeed, people are inflected and healthy. So, have mercy on the inflected and thank Allah for health.”

Then he, peace be on him, said:” Bin Jundub, visit him who abandons you, give him who deprives you (of your right), treat kindly him who mistreats you, greet him who abuses you, do justice to him who quarrels with you, and forgive him who wrongs you as you want him to forgive you. So, take a lesson from Allah’s forgiveness for you. Do you not see that His sun shines over the chaste and the unchaste and His rain comes down to the righteous and the sinners.

“Bin Jundub, Islam is naked, so its clothe is modesty, its embellishment is solemnity, its manhood is the good deed, and its pillar is piety. Every thing has a foundation; the foundation of Islam is our love, we, the (ahl al Bayt).”’[1]

His Commandments to Abd Allah al- Najâshi in the Same Letter:

Abd Allah b. Sulayman al- Nawfali said:” I was sitting with Ja’far b. Mohammed al- Sâdiq. Suddenly, the servant of Abd Allah al- Najäshi came to al- Sâdiq. He greeted him and handed him a letter. Al- Sâdiq opened the letter and read it.
1 Bihär al- Anwar, 78/279/1.

The letter read as follows: “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, may Allah prolong the life of my master, and may He make me ransom for him. I have been inflected by the State of al- Ahwäz.

I want my master to limit a punishment for me or to give me an example to use it as a proof for what makes me nearer to Allah, the Great and Almighty, and to His Apostle. I want him to sum up, in his letter: What does he think for me to put into effect? In what does he spend it? And in what shall I spend it? Where should I put my Zakat (alms)? In what shall I spend it? With whom shall I associate? With whom shall 1 be happy? Whom shall I entrust, believe in, resort to concerning my secrets? Indeed, you are the Proof of Allah for his creation and His trustee of authority in His country (i.e. the earth), may Allah bestow His blessing upon you.”

Abd Allah b. Sulaymân said:” Abui Abd Allah (al- Sãdiq), peace be on him, answered him.”:
“In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, may Allah compliment you with His good deed, be kind to you with His favor, and guard you with His care. Indeed, He is the Supporter of that. Now then, your messenger came to me with your letter.

I have read it and understood what you have mentioned and asked about. You have claimed that you have been inflected by the State of al- Ahwäz. So, that has delighted me and grieved me. As for my delight at your ruling, I have said: May Allah help and strengthen with you a grieved (person) from the supporters of the Family. And as for my grief, I am afraid that you might mistreat a support of us, so you will not obtain the mercy of the Holy Being (Allah).

I am going to summarize to you all what you have asked about. If you put them into effect and do not exceed them, I hope you shall be saved, Allah willing. My father told me on the authority of his grandfathers on the authority of ‘Au b. Abü Talib, peace be on them, on the authority of the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, who said:’ Whomever his believing brother asks the advice of him but does not show him sincere advice, Allah deprives him of his intellect.

Know that I am going to advise you. If you put my advice into effect, you will get rid of what you are afraid of. Know that you are able to accomplish your rescue and your salvation when you refrain from shedding blood and harming the supporters of Allah, through treating subjects kindly, with patience and good friendship, with leniency without weakness and strength without violence. Complying with the moods of your companion and his messengers who come to you, and treat your subjects according to justice and lnqulty, Allah willing.

Beware of slanderers, do not let anyone cleave to you, do not let Allah see you accepting (their words) absolutely, while you do not do justice to people. So, Allah will be angry with you and disgrace you. As for him whom you rely on, satisfied with, and entrust with to carry out your affairs should be experienced, clear- sighted trustee, He should agree with you on your religion, know your subjects, and try the two parties. So, if you find such a person, then depend on him.

Be careful not to give even a dirham or take off a garment in the manner that displeases Allah to a poet, a comedian, and a joker, in this condition you should give the same (sum of many) to Please Allah.

Your prizes, bonuses, and robes of honor should be given to leaders, messengers, grandsons, postmen, the police, and the collectors of Chomps (fifth). As for the money which you want to spend in the fields of righteousness, success, generosity, alms, hajj, drinking water, the garment you use during / prayers, and the gift which you offer for Allah, the Great and Almighty and for his Apostle, my Allah bless him and his family, should be from your most lawful earn.

Abd Allah, spare no effort to avoid hoarding up gold and silver so as not to be among those about whom Allah, the Great and Almighty, says:’ And (as for) those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in Allah’s way.’

Do not regard as little those remnants of food. Spend them to full the empty abdomens to clam the anger of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted. Know that I have heard my father reporting a tradition on the authority of his grandfathers, on the authority of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, who said:’ Whoever spends his night full, while his neighbor is hungry has not believed in Allah and the NEXT Day (the hereafter).’ So, we said, ‘Allah’s Apostle, we have been ruined!” He said:’ You can putout the anger of the Lord with the remnants of your dates, your living, and your worn- out pieces of cloth.’

Amir al- Mu’minin (Imam ‘Ali) went out of this world while he had no responsibility for anyone till he met Allah praised- unblamed nor dispraised. Then the Imams after him followed his example as you have known. They (the Imams) did not stain themselvewith anything of the worldly calamities, may Allah bless them all and make their abodes good.

I have sent you the noble deeds of this world and the future one. If you put my advice into effect, I hope that Allah, the Great and Almighty, will forgive you all your sins with His power, even if they are as heavy as the mountains or as the waves of the seas.

Abd Allah, be careful not to scare a believer, for my father Mohammed told me on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather ‘Au b. Abü Tâlib, peace be on him, who said:’ Whoever looks at a believer to scare him, Allah will scare him on that day when there will be no protection but His protection and gather his flesh, his body, and all his member in the shape of the small ants till He (Allah) brings him to his ruin.’

My father told me on the authority of his grandfathers, on the authorit) of ‘Ali, on the authority of the Prophet, my Allah bless him and his family, who said:’ Whoever helps a grieved believer, Allah will help him on that day when there will be no protection but His protection, make him safe on the Day of the Great Scare, and make him safe from the evil consequence.

Whoever fulfills a need for his believing brother, Allah fulfills many needs for him, among them is Paradise. Whoever clothes his believing brother (to cover) his nakedness, Allah will clothe hun from the sacrament of Paradise and from its brocade and its silk. And he will go on enjoining himself with the pleasure of Allah as long as there is a piece of thread on the clothed person.

Whoever feeds his brother, Allah will feed him from the good provisions of Paradise. Whoever waters his brother, Allah will water him from the sealed nectar. Whoever serves his brother, Allah will make the Immortal boys to serve him, and dwells him with His pure friends.
Whoever carries his believing brother from the saddle of his (animal), Allah will carry him on a she- camel of the she- camels of Paradise and vie him in glory with the close angels on the Day of judgment. Whoever marries his believing brother to a woman whom he depends on, who helps him, and with whom he is pleased, Allah will marry him to one of the pure, beautiful girls (in Paradise), and entertains him with the truthful ones of his family and his brothers.

Also he (Allah) will entertain hii1a with them. Whoever helps his believing brother against an oppressive ruler, Allah will help him pass the road (on the day when) the legs shake (with fear). And whoever visits his believing brother in his house not for a need, Allah will regard him as one of the Visitors of (His Scared House), and it will be a must on Allah to honor His visitors.

Abd Allah, my father told me on the authority of his grandfathers on the authority of ‘Au b. Abü Tâlib, peace be on him, on the authority of the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, that he, one day, said to his companions:’ Men, whoever curses (people) with his tongue and does not believe (in Allah) in his heart is not a believer. Do not look for the defects of the believers, for whoever looks for the defects of a believer, Allah will look for his defects on the Day ofjudginent and expose him in his house.

My father told me on the authority of ‘Au, peace be on him, who said:” Allah had taken a promise from the believer that people do not believe his words, nor does he take revenge on his enemy, ncr does he quench his anger but through exposing himself to scandal, for every believer is controlled, that is for a short purpose and long rest.”

“Allah had taken a promise from the believer (to conform to) things. The simplest one of them is (that) a believer like him (who) believes in his thought makes him tired, envies him, and the Satan tempts him (the second believer) and helps him. The ruler follows his acts (the acts of the first believer) and his mistakes. He (the ruler) disbelieves in what he (the first believer) believes. He (the ruler) thinks that shedding his blood is a must and violating his sacredness as booty, then is the life of the believer (important) after these things?”

Abd Allah, my father told me on the authority of his grandfathers, on the authority of ‘All b. Abu Tâlib, peace be on him, on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, that he said:’ Gabriel, peace be on him, came down and said: Mohammed, Allah has sent His regards to you and said: I have derived a name from My Names for the believer. I have called him believer. The believer is from Me and I am from the believer. Whoever disdains a believer, surely, wages war against me.

Abd Allah, my father told me on the authority of his grandfathers, peace be on them, on the authority of ‘Au, peace be on him, on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, who, one day, said: ‘Au, do not debate with a man till you know his inner self. If his inner self is good, Allah, the Great and Almighty, does not forsake His supporter. And if his inner self is evil, his counterpart is enough for him. You are not able (to convince him) even if you do your best to do (deeds) more than he does, not to disobey Allah, the Great and Almighty.

Abd Allah, my father told me on the authority of his grandfathers on the authority of ‘Ali, peace be on him, on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, who said:’ The minimum (degree) of unbelief is that the person hears a word from his brother, to memorize it against him so as to expose him with it. Such a person shall have no Portion (in the hereafter).’

Abd Allah, my father told me on the authority of his fathers on the authority of ‘Au, peace be on him, who said:’ Whoever says about the believer what his eyes do not see and his ears do not hear to disgrace him and to destroy his manhood is among those about him Allah, the Great and Almighty, says: Surely (as for) those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement.’

Abd Allah, my father told on the authority of his grandfathers on the authority of ‘All, peace be on him, who said:’ Whoever reports a story about his believing brother to demolish his manhood and to defame him, Allah will degrade him with-his sin till he brings an excuse for what he has said and will never bring the excuse. Whoever delights his believing brother, delights (ahl al Bayt), peace be on them. Whoever delights (alt? a? Bayt), delights Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family. And whoever delights Allah’s Apostle delights Allah. So, it is a must on Him to make him enter Paradise .

Then I advise you to fear Allah and to hold fast to His religion, for Whoever holds fast to the religion of Allah is guided to the straight Path (of Islam). So, fear Allah and do not prefer anyone to His pleasure and will.

That is because it is the commandment of Allah, the Great and Almighty, to His creation. He (Allah) does not accept anything from them except it nor does He regard anything as great but it. Know that the creatures have not been authorized to do anything greater than to fear Allah. Also it is our commandment, we, (ahl al Baiyt). If you are able to refrain from doing the deeds about which you will be asked tomorrow, then do.”

Abd Allah b. Sulayman said:” When al- Najäshy received the letter of al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, he looked at it and said: By Allah with whom there is no good but Him, my master (al- Sadiq) is truthful. Whoever puts into effect what has been written in this letter is saved. So, Abd Allah went on acting according to this letter throughout his lifetime.”’[1]
Some of Ills Commandments to His Shi’a:

Zayd al- Shahhâifl said: Abfl Abd Allah said to me:” Send my greetings to those of you who obey me and act according to my words. I advise you to fear Allah, the Great and Almighty, to cleave to piety in your religion, to make every effort for Allah, to be truthful in your talks, to give the trusts, to perform long adoration, and to treat your neighbors kindly, for Mohammed, may Allah bless him and his family, came to put these manners into effect.

Give the trust to hwho entrusts you with them whether he is righteous or mischievous, for Allah’s Apostle ordered (the Muslims) to pay the piece of thread and the needle, keep close relations with tribes, attend their escorting of their deceased, visit their ill ones, give them their rights, for if the person of you becomes pious in his religion, is truthful in his talks, gives the trust, and his manners are good, (people) will say: This is the education of Ja’far.

This pleases me. Otherwise, (people) will say: This is the education of Ja’far. In this case, the tribulation and the disgrace are attributed to me. By Allah, my father told me that a follower of ‘All, peace be on him, was in a certain tribe. There, he was the best one: He gave tlia trust, and gave the rights. He was the most truthful one in talks. So, he was the shelter of their wills and trusts. The tribe asked about him and said: Who is like him? He is the most honest of us in giving the trust. And the most truthful of us in talking.”[2]

His Commandments to Mu’min al- Tlq:[3]

Al- Sädiq, peace be on him said:” Bin al- Nu’mfin, beware of doubt, for it foils your act. Beware of the argument, for it humiliates you.
1 Bihar al- Anwar, 73/271/112.
2 al-Kafi, 2/636/5.
3 See His Famous Narrators.

And Beware of many quarrels, for they take you away from Allah. Those who were before you learned silence, while you learn the speech. When anyone of them wanted to worship, he learned silence ten years before that. If he had learned it, he would have worshipped; other wise he said: I am not worthy of what I am seeking. Indeed, saved is he who prolongs silence to refrain from obscenity and endures harm in the state of falsehood. It is they who were the highborn, the honest, the true followers, and the believing. By Allah, if someone of you offers gold as much as the earth, and then envies a believer, that gold will be of that with which he will be burnt in the fire.

Bin al- Nu’mân, when someone is asked about knowledge and says: I do not know. Indeed, he shares knowledge equally with (the knowledgeable). The believer envies during his sitting, but when he stands up, envy disappears from him.

Bin al- Nu’mân, if you want the love of your brother to be pure for you, then do not joke with him, do not argue with him, do not vie in glory with him, and do not quarrel with him. Do not tell your friend about your secret except that which does not harm you when the enemy knows it, for the friend might be an enemy someday.

Bin al- Nu’mân, eloquence is not the sharp ton1gue nor much talk. Rather, it is giving the meaning or producing evidence.[1]

His Commandments to llamrin Bin A’yun:[2]

Al- Sãdiq, peace be on him, said:” Hamrãn, look at those who are inferior to you; do not look at those who are superior to you in ability, for that makes you satisfied with what has been predestined for you, and it is more appropriate for you to get an addition (in your reward) from your Lord. Know that a few constant acts with conviction are better with Allah than many acts without conviction.

Know that there is no piety more useful than refraining from harming the believers and their BACKbiting, nor is living more comfortable than good manners, nor is property more useful than satisfaction with the a few profitable (things), nor is ignorance more harmful than vanity.”[3]

His Commandments to al- Mufaddal Bin ‘Amr:[4]
1 Bihar al- Anwar, 78/292.
2 See His Famous Narrators.
3 Roudat al- Kill, 8/204/238.
4 See His Famous Narrators.

I advise you and my own self to fear Allah and to obey Him, for from fearing Allah result obedience, piety, humbleness for Allah, tranquillity, diligence, putting His orders into effect, faithfulness to His Apostle, hastening toward His pleasure, and refraining from what He has prohibited. Indeed, whoever fears Allah saves himself from the fire with the permission of Allah and obtains all good in here and the hereafter. And whoever orders (people) to fear Allah succeeds in the sermon. May Allah make us from those who fear Him with His permission.”’[1]

His Commandments to Jamil Bin Darraj:[2]

Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said to Jamil b. Darrâj:” The good ones of you are the generous and the bad ones of you are the miserly. Among the good deeds are to treat the brothers kindly and to fulfill their needs, for these (acts) force the Satan (to turn away from you) and save you from the fires and make you enter Paradise. JamTl, tell your honorable companions about this tradition. He (Jamil) said: I (i.e. Jamil) said to him:’ May I be your ransom, who are my honorable companions?’ He, peace be on him, said: Those who treat the brothers with kindness during poverty and riches.”

He (al- Sadiq) said:” Jamil, this (act) is easy for the doer of the favor. Allah, the Great and Almighty, has praised the doer of the little (favor). He (Allah) said:’ And prefer (others) to themselves though poverty may afflict them, and whoever is preserved from the niggardliness of his soul, these it is that are the successful ones.”’[3]

His Commandments to al- Ma’aIlâ Bin Khanis:

When al- Ma’ allâ b, KhanTs wanted to travel, al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said to him:” Ma’allâ, be powerful with Allah.” He (al- Ma’allâ) said:” With What, son of the Apostle of Allah (my Allah bless him and his family)?” He, peace be on him, said:” Fear Allah, the Exalted. He makes every thing afraid of you.

Ma’allâ, show love to your brothers through giving them gifts, for Allah, the Exalted, has made the gift love and prevention hatred. By Allah, if you ask me for (something) and I give you it is more desirable with me than that you do not ask me for (a thing) and I do not give yo.u, so you hate me. Whatever Allah, the Great and Almighty, has given you through my hands, still the laudable one is Allah, the Exalted. However, do not forget to thank for what Allah has given you through my hands.”[4]
1 Basi’ir al- Darajat, 1, 526.
2 See His Famous Narrators.
3 a1- Sidflq, al- KhisaI. al- Hashr, 9.
4 Shaykh al- Ttisi, al- Majilis, Majlis no., 11.

His Commandments tQ Sufyan al- Thawri:[1]

Syfyan said:” I met the Truthful one, the Son of the Truthful one, Ja’far b. Mohammed, peace be on them. 1 (i.e. Sufyan) said: Son of the Apostle of Allah, advise me. He said to me:’ Sufyan, the liar has no manhood; the tired (person) has no brother, the enviou (Person) has no rest, and the ill-natured (person) has no rightness.”’

I (sufyan) sai&” Son of the Apostle of Allah Allah bless him and his family, add more. He said to me:’ Entrust Allah to be a believer. Be satisfied with what Allah has allotted to You to be rich. Treat your neighbor with kindness to be Muslim. Do not make friends with the sinner so as not to teach you from his sin. Concerning your affairs ask the advice of those who fear Allah.”’

I (sufyän) said:” Son of the Apostle of Allah, add more. He said to me:’ Sufyän, whoever wants glory without a tribe, riches Without money, and dignity without authority, then should move from the humiliation of the disobedience of Allah to the strength of His obedience”,[2]

He (i.e. Su1ayan) said once to al- Sädiq:” I do not go till you tell me (some pieces of advice).” He (al- Sadiq) said to him:’ I will tell you, for talking with you is good. Sufyän, If Allah bestows a certain blessing upon you, and if you want this blessing to last, then praise and laud (Allah) for it very much, for Allah, the Great and Almighty, has said in His Book: If you are grateful, I would certainly give to you more.[3]

And if you feel that your sustenance is slow, then ask Allah’s forgivenag5 for much, for Allah, the Great and Almighty, has said in His Book: Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is the most Forgiving. He will send down upon you the cloud, pouring down abundance of rain. And help You with wealth and sons, and make for you gardens, and make for you rivers.”’[4]

“Sufyän, when the ruler or others cause a Certain matter to sadden you, say: There is neither might nor power but with Allah, for it is the key of ease and treasure of the treasures of Paradise, So, Sufyân said:’ What excellent three these are!’ [5]

His Commandments to ‘Inwin al- :[6]
1 See His Famous Narrators.
2 BiMr al- Anwfir: 6, 192/78.
3 lbrflhini, 7.
4 Nuh, 10.
5 Abu Na’im, Hulyat al- Au1iya,’ 3,193.
6 He has no biography in the books of our biographers.

‘Inwân al- Basri disagreed with M&lik b. Anas on his ideas. So, he wanted to learn from al- Sâdiq, peace be on him. When he came to alSadiq, al- Sadiq said to him:” I am a wanted man. However, I have parts of tfre Holy Koran at every hour during night and day. So, do not busy me from these parts.”

He (‘InwÙ„n) said:” I became sad, so I entered the Mosque of the Prophet of Allah, peace be on him, and greeted him.” Then I said two ruk’ats and said:” Allah! Allah! I ask You to Make Ja’far’s knowledge to follow Your straight path.” When my patience was over, and my heart became narrow, I went to Ja’far. When I reached his house, I knocked on the door. A servant came out. The servant said:” What is your need?” I (‘Inwân) said:” peace be on the Sharif.” The servant said:” He is performing his prayers.” So, I sat at the door.

Immediately, the servant came out and said:” Come in with the blessing of Allah.” I caine in and greeted him (al- Sadiq). He greeted rue and said:” Sit down, may Allah forgive you (your sins).” So, 1 sat down. He bowed his head for a long time. Then he raised his head and said:” What is your kunya?” “AbQ Abd Allah,” I said:” May Allah fix your kunya and grant you success.

What is your question?” I said to myself:” This du’a’ is very much for me.” Then he raised his head and said:” What is your question?” I said:” I asked Allah to incline your heart to me and give me some of your knowledge. I hope that Allah has accepted my supplication.” He (al- Sâdiq) said:” Abii Abd Allah, knowledge is not obtained through learning.

Rather, It is light falls into the heart of the person whom Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, Wants to guide. If you want knowledge, then ask the truth of worship in yourself, seek knowledge through using it, and ask Allah to make you understand it.” I said:” Sharif 1” He said:” Do not say sharif, say AbU Abd Allah.” I said:” What is the truth of worship?” He said:” three things: the servant should not regard him self asking in what Allah has authorized him, for the servants have no authority. They think that wealth belong to Allah. They use it in the fields where He has ordered them to. So, the servant has no right in this wealth.

All he has is that he should carry out what Allah has ordered him and to refrain from what He has prohibited. So, when the servant thinks that he has no right in what Allah has authorized him, spending in the fields where Allah has ordered him to spend is easy for him. When the servant authorizes his master to manage him, the misfortunes of this world are easy for him. When the servant busies himself with what Allah has ordered him to do, while have no leisure time to argue with people or vie with them in glory. When Allah honors the servant with these three things, life in this world, Iblis (the Satan), and the creation are all easy for him. Besides, he does not request the life in this world to increase (his money) or vie with (people) in glory nor does he request what people have for power and the high position and nor does he make his days go in vain. So, this is the first degree of religious devotion. Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, said:’ (As for) that future abode, We assign ito those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief and the good end is for those who guard (against evil).””[1]

I (‘Inwfin) said:” Aba Abd Allah, advise me.” He said:” I will advise you (to do) nine things, for they are to those who want to follow the Straight path of Alla. I ask Allah to grant you success to put them into effect. Three of them in the spiritual exercise; three of them in clemency, and three of them in knowledge. Memorize them and be careful not neglect them.” “Inwlin said:” So, I made my heart empty.” He (al- S&iiq) said:” As for those concerning the spiritual exercise, be careful not to eat what you do not feel appetite for, because it brings about foolishness and stupidity. Do not eat except when you are hungry.
When you eat, eat lawful (food), say: Bismillahr rahmanir rahim, and call to mind the following tradition of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family:’ The person does not full a container more evil than his stomach. However, if it is necessary, (follow these portions): third for food, third for water, and third for breathing.’[2]

As for those concerning clemency, whoever says to you: If you say one time, I have heard ten times. Say to him: If you say ten times, you have heard none. Whoever abuses you, say to him: if you are truthful in what you say, then ask Allah to forgive me. And if you tell lies in what you say, then I ask Allah to forgive you.

Whoever threatens you with obscene language, give him a piece of advice and take care of him. And as for those concerning knowledge, ask the knowledgeable about what you do not know. Be careful not to ask them to confuse or try them. Be careful not to do anything according to your opinion. Act according to precaution in all what you cannot find a way to it. Escape from giving a religious opinion, and do not make your neck as a bridge for people. Now, AbU Abd Allah, leave me, for I have given you pieces of advice. Do not spoil my reciting to the parts of the Koran, for I am sticking to them, and peace be on those who follow guidance.”2

Some of His valuable Commandments:

His valuable pieces of advice and commandments are many. He followed every method to advise (people) to follow guidance. He sometimes urges us to cleave to religious devotion, piety, diligence, long adoration, and bow (ruku’). He says:” Be propagandists to yourselves without your tongues, be graceful and do not be disgraceful.[3]
1 al- Qasas, 83.
2 Bihar al- Anwar, 1/224/17.
3 al- Kafi.

He sometimes urges us to stick to gratefulness, supplication, and reliance on Allah. He says:” Whomever is given three (things) is not prevented from three (things)- whomever is given supplication is given the answer, whomever is given gratefulness is given the addition, and whomever is given reliance (on Allah) is given the adequacy.” Then he said:” Have you recited the book of Allah, the Great and Almighty: And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him.”[1] “If you are grateful I would certainly give to you more.”[2] “Call upon Me, I will answer you.”[3]

He sometimes guides us to despair from all people. He says:” If someone of you wants to ask Allah to give him everything, then he should despair from all people, he should have no hope with any one but with Allah. When Allah, the Great and Almighty, knows that from his heart, He gives him all his desires.”[4]

He sometimes encourages us to have noble manners and virtuous qualities. So, he describes humbleness for us and limits its positions. He says:” It is an act of humbleness to be satisfied with sitting at the end of the sitting, to greet him whom you meet, to leave the argument even if you are right, and do not love to be lauded for religious devotion.”[5]
Al- Sadiq mentioned many qualities to raise the person to a high social position.

He said to his companions:” Hear my words. They are better than the dark black horses: one of you should not speak about that which does not concern him, he should leave many words about that which concerns him to find a subject to them. Perhaps, one may speak about an inconvenient subject, so he wrongs himself with his words.

One of you should not argue with the clement person nor with the foolish one, for whoever argues with the clement person, he (the clement person) will drive him away. And whoever argues with the foolish one, he (the foolish one) will ruin him. When your brother is away, remember him with best words with which .you want people to remember you when you are away. And do the deed of him who knows that he will be rewarded with kindness.”[6]

He described good maimers for us to make us to conform to them. He said:” Indeed, Allah is satisfied with Islam as religion for you, then make your relation with it good through generosity and good manners.

He advised his companions to adopt the following:” Visit each other, for your visit enlivens your hearts and reminds you of our traditions. Our traditions make you feel compassion for each other.
1 al- Talaq, 30.
2 Ibrahim, 7.
3 al- Mu’min, 60.
4 al-Kafi.
5 al-Kafi.
6 Shaykh al- Thsi, al- Majfflis, Majlis no. 2.

If you put them into effect, you will be guided and saved. If you neglect them, you will go astray and (face) ruin. So, follow them and I guarantee your salvation.”’[1]

Social Relations:

Without doubt, man imitates by nature his friends and relatives. So, he is good when they are good and is bad when they are bad. For this reason, our Imam warned people against bad social relations:” Be careful not to associate with the kings and those who clings to the life in this world, for that corrupts your religion and causes hypocrisy to you. This is a bad illness which has no cure, and brings about a hard heart and deprives you of devoutness. Cleave to ordinary people who match you, for you find good manner with them.

Be careful not to wish for that which is in the hands of the children of this world. Because whoever wishes for that, his grief becomes long, does not quench his anger, and regards Allah’s blessing with him as little. So, his gratefulness is little. Look at those who are inferior to you, so you are grateful to Allah for his boons, worthy of His extra (boons), and happy at His liberality.”[2]

Hastening toward Good Things:

It is not right to lose the good deed, for it is an opportunity. Perhaps, losing the good deed brings about regret. All affairs of life are opportunities which we are not able to repeat. However, AbU Abd Allah, peace be on him, urges us to seize such suitable opportunities. He said:” if you intend to do a good deed, then do not put it off. Indeed, Allah, the Great and Almighty, may know that the servant has some obedience. So, He (Allah) says: By my Greatness and Might, I will never torture you after it.’”[3] There are many similar traditions in this regard.

Also al- Sadiq, peace be on him, warns us against evil deeds. He said:” And if you intend to do an evil deed, then do not do it. Indeed, Allah, the Great and Almighty, may know that the servant has some disobedience. So, He (Allah2 says:’ By My Greatness and Might, I will never forgive you after it.’” Al- Sadiq gave many similar comments in this regard.

Studying Religious Jurisprudence:

Studying Religious jurisprudence is the way to worship Allah, the Exalted. Muslims can preserve the Islamic Law with it. Rather, the Muslim Religion depends on the Muslim jurists who know its rule and defend it.
1 al- Kafi.
2 Zayd al- Narsi, al- Kitab.
3 Wasa’iI al- Shi, 1, 18.

From here al- Sadiq, peace be on him said many traditions on religious jurisprudence we have mentioned some of them before. Here we will add other traditions. He, peace be on him, said:” Whoever worships (Allah) without understanding (the religion) is like him who walks after the mirage in a desert- the speed of his walking increases him nothing but distance.” Also he said:” Whoeverbrof our companions does not study religious jurisprudence, then does not do any good deed.”

Also he said:” People are not able to act till they ask and understand (the religion).”[1] He, peace be on him, said:” If Allah wants a servant to do good makes him understand the religion.” Also he said:” All perfection is in understanding the religion, patience during the misfortune, and appreciating the living.”[2]

As religious j\urisprudence plays an important role in the Muslim religion, he, peace be on him, said:” The death of the religious jurist is more desirable with (the Satan) than the death of any other believer.” Also he said:” When the believing jurist dies he makes in Islam a gap which ncthing fills.”[3]

Gratefulness of Boons:

Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, advised (Muslims) to preserve boons to make them last. In this connection he said:” Preserve constant boons. Be careful not to let them move to other than you. Indeed, when they move from one person (to another), they rarely come BACK to him.”
Amir al- Mu’minTn said:” When the thing turns away, it rarely comes BACK.”[4]

He (al- Sâdiq) taught them (Muslims) how to preserve boons. He said to Sadrr al- Sayrafy:” When the person has many properties, the proof of Allah against him is great. So, if you are able to change it (Allah’s proof), then do” He (Sâdfr) said:” Son of Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, with what?” He, peace be on him, said:” With fulfilling the needs of your brothers from your properties.” Then he said:” Receive boons, SâdTr, in a good manner.

Thank Him Who bestows upon you. Bestow upon him who thanks you. Indeed, if you behave in such a manner. Then the addition from Allah and the advice from your brothers are a must.” Then he recited these Words of Allah, the Exalted:” If you are grateful, I would certainly give you more.”[5]

Among the methods of gratefulness is that the servant should show the boons of Allah, the Glorified. For this reason, AbU Abid Allah (al- S&liq), peace be on him, guides us to this laudable trait.
1 Bihar al- Anwir: 1/221/61.
2 a1- Kafi.
3 Bihar al- Anwar: 1/220/56.
4 Shaykh Tusi, al- Mbrjalis, Majlis no.9.
5 Ibid, Majlis no. 11. Ibrahim, 7.

He said:” Surely, Allah loves beauty and embellishment, and hates misery and showing misery.Indeed, when Allah bestows a boon upon a person, He loves to see its effect on him.” It was said:” How?” He, peace be on him, said:” He (the person) should clean his clothes, perfume himself, sweeps the yards (of his house), and plasters his house.”
These are some important methods to show gratefulness for Allah’s boons. They explained this verse “And as for the favor of your Lord, do announce (it).”

Good Friendship:

Good friendship is not the matter which comes to you automatically. Rather, it comes through habituating the self and controlling its pleasures. That is because good friendship sometimes forces you to sacrifice your desires and appetites for your friend and to prefer him to yourself. For this reason, Abti Abd Allah, peace be on him, said:” Adjust yourself to good friendship to him whom you make friends with.”

As there are many methods to make good friendship, and as the person does not know which one is the best, al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, teaches us how to make good friendship with our friends. He said:” Make your manners good, prevent your tongue (from saying obscene words), suppress your anger, decrease your nonsense, plant your forgiveness, and be generous.”[1]
Moreover, he wants us to make good friendship as permanent slogan with our friends. He said:” Shi’a (followers) of the family of Mohammed, whoever does not control himself during his anger and does not treat his friend kindly is not one of us.”[2] There are many traditions like this.

When we make friends with someone and when we part from him for a certain time, al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, makes it incumbent on us to look for him to know his conditions. So, he said to al- Mufaddal b. ‘Amr when he came BACK from his travel: “Who accompanied you?” “A man of my brothers,” said al- Mufaddal” “What has he done,” asked al- Sadiq. “I have not known his place since I arrived,” said al- Mufaddal. “Do you not know that whoever accompanies a believer for forty steps, Allah will ask him about the believer on the Day of Judgment.”[3]

Friendship during Travel:

Travel has special manners which are different from those ones during the normal life.
1 al- Was’ ‘il, 8/42/2.
2 Ibid, 8/ 402/3.
3 Ibid, 8/403/8.

From the first look, you may know it is anbract of generosity, the noble self, and manhood to spend much money on the food in the manner that surpasses your friends. However, al- Sadiq, peace be on him, prevented (Muslims from doing that) during travel, for such kind of spending costs the friend a lot when he wants to vie in spending with his other friends or it may humiliate him when he prevents himself from doing that.

It is not an act of politeness or good friendship to cost your friend or humiliate him. For this reason, al- Sadiq, peace be on him, said to Shahâb b. ‘Abd Raba’[1] :“ Shahab, do not do that, for if they spend and you spend (more than them), then you wrong them or hUmiliate them when they prevent from (spending). So, accompany your matches, accompany your matches.”
The Imam said these words when Shahâb said to him:” You have known my condition, my open- hand, and my generosity toward my brothers. I accompany the person of them to cover the road to Mecca and I become generous toward him.”[2]

I (the author) say: The person humiliates others when he spends on them. In the meantime, others humiliate him when they spend on him. So, the Imam prevented (Muslims) from adopting both cases. He said to Abü Basir:” I do not want (the person) to humiliate himself, so he should accompany those who match him.”

The Imam said these words when Abü BasTr asked about the person who accompanies the rich, while he is inferior to them (in spending). So, the men take out the expense, while he is not able to take out what they do.”

When Hisham b. al- Hakam asked the Imam about some cases, the Imam answered:” Accompany those who are like you.”[3]

Accordingly, the Imam regard the companionship of the match as a rule for both causes, test the person should humiliate himself or humiliate the others. This is among his great wisdoms which he adopted to make people follow good manners.

Good Neighborhood:

It is an act of the politeness of the person and of his superior intellect is to adopt good neighborhood. Besides, it is a virtuous act which the wise summon people to put it into effect. The Arabs vied with each other for treating their neighbor kindly. Also they did their best to defend the neighbor. When Islam came it adopted this noble trait, increased the respect for it, and urged the Muslims to cling to it.
1   al- Kafi. He was among the companions of al- S&liq, peace be on him, He was among the reliable narrators. The reliable narrators reported traditions on his authority.
2   Wasa’il al- Shi’a, 8/302/1.
3   Ibid, 8/303/5.

The Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, gave frequent commandments concerning it. For this reason, AmTr al- Mu’minln (Imam ‘Au), peace be on him, said:” Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, went on advising us (to treat) the neighbor (kindly). So, we thought that he would bequeath him.”

The grandsons of the Prophet followed the same manner in regard with the neighbor. For example, al- Sadiq, peace be on him, said:” Cleave to Allah fearingness.... good manners, and good neighborhood.”’[1]

Al- Sadiq repeated these commandments many times. So, he blamed those who neglected them. In this connection, he, peace be on him, said:” Do the person of you not feel shame that his neighbor knows his right, while he does not know his neighbor’s right?”
Moreover, al- Sâdiq excluded those who do not treat their neighbors kindly. He, peace be on him, said:” Whoever does not treat his neighbor kindly isnot one of us.”[2]

Accepting Advice:

People know that the person has superior intellect when he listens to advice and conforms to the words of the adviser, for the ignorant person sticks to fanaticism that he does not listen to the adviser. Besides, he thinks that the adviser may disclose his defects.

However, he forgets that disclosing, his defects urges him to reform them. For this reason, al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said:” The most desirable one of my brothers for me is he who gifts me my defects.”[3] He said these words to teach us, for he is far above defects.
I (the author) say: Of course, such a person is the most desirable one because he wants to save himself from the vices and adorn it with the virtue.

As this quality is goo, al- SÙ„diq, peace be on him, regarded disclosing the defects as a gift. This was his maximum aim to encourage the brothers (i.e. friends) to adopt this quality to disclose the defects of each other to reform them.

Al- Sadiq made it necessary for the believer to accept advice. He, peace be on him, said:” The believer is in need of three traits: success granted by Allah, the Great and Almighty, a preacher from his own self, and accepting advice.”[4]

1 Wasa’il al-Shi’a, 11/1 56/8.
2 Ibid, 8/399/4.
3 Ibid, 8/489/5.
4 Ibid, 8/413/3.


Whoever asks the advice of the wise knows the ways of the entries and of the outlets and discovers the ways of success. So, he saves himself from dangers. Abti Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, discovered this fact for us 1vhen he said:” The person who asks the advice (of others) does nat perish.”[1] Also he guided us to the consultant when we face accidental vague things. He said:” When the person of you faces (a thing) which he has no ability to solve, Way does he not ask the advice of the wise man with has religion and piety?’[2]

Al- Sadiq increased the conditions of consultation and of the consultant when he, peace be on him, said: “Consultation does not take place except within its (limits. So, the advice- seeker should know it with in its limita otherwise it harms him more than it avails him.

Firstly, the consultant should be wise. Secondly, he should be free and religious. Thirdly, he should be a close friend, lastly, you should tell him about your secret tba his knowledge of it is as your knowledge of yourself. Then he keeps yoIar secret. Indeed, if he (the consultant) is wise, you make use of his advice. If he is free and religious, he does his best to advise you. If he is a close friend, he keeps your secret when you tell him about it. And if you tell him. about your secret that his knowledge of it is as your knowledge of it, then. consultation is perfect.”[3]

Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, warned (Muslims) against disobeying the consultant when he is fully qualified. He said:” Of men, ask the advice af the wise, pious (one), for he does not order (you) but (to do) good. Be careful not to disobey (him), for aisobeying the wise, pious (one) corrupba religion and the life in this world.”[4]

Also he made it incumbent on the consultant to give his advice ataèa warned him against the end when he refuses to give his advice. He, pa be on him, said:” Whoever asks the advice of his brother, but he brother) does not give him pure advice, Allah, the Great and shall deprive him of his opinion.[5]

Making Many Brothers:

Indeed, the person becomes many with his brother (friend), for he (6 friend) helps him during misfortunes and poverty, entertains him during loneliness and estrangement, advise him during perplexity, guides him during the error, remembers him when he is away, and so on. For tha reason, al- Sadiq, peace be on him, ordered (Muslias) to make ua brothers. He, peace be on him, said:” Make many friends in this world, iii they avail (you) in here and the hereafter.
1 Ibid, 8/424/4.
2 Ibid, 8/426/7.
3 Ibid, 8/426/8.
4 Ibid, 8/426/8.
5 Ibid, 8/427/2.

In this world, they fulfill (your) needs. In the hereafter, the paople of the fire will say:’ So we have no jntcrCeSSOTS, nor a true friend.”’[1]

When al- Sidiq, peace be on him, said that the friend would avail his friend in the hereafter, he meant that the religious wise one who guides his friend to good through advising him, so he will save him from the ruin in the hereafter.

Or he may make use of his supplication for his life in the hereafter, as atSadiq said in other tradition:” Make many brothers, for every believer has an accepted supplication.”
Or because he may make use of his intercession in the hereafter, as a1-Sadiq, peace be on him said: “Make many brothers, for every believer has intercession.” Also he, peace be on him, saida “Make friends with the believers, for they have intercession with Allah.’[2]
Besides, the believing friend is worth a collection of all these qualities in here and the hereafter.

Forgiving Brothers:

Not all people are infallible. Most people make mistakes. So, it is impossible for you to find the friend free from defects. Accordingly, whoever wants to make many friends should forgive them their mistakes. From here, al- Sadiq, peace be on him, said:” Where do you find a prefect brother? Which one of men is perfect?[3]

Also he said:” Whoever does not make friends but with him who has no defect, his friends are very few.[4]

When the person wants friendship to last he should not look for the defects of his friena, as al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said:” Looking for (defects) is parting.”[5] Also he said”’ Do not look for (the defects) of people lest you should be without friend.”[6]

The experienced persons should be satisfied with the little act of his brother to continue his friendship with him, as al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said:” It is not an act of equity to demand the brothers to do equity, and whoever IS dissatisfied with his brather unless his brother prefers him to himself his dissatisfaction will last.”[7]

Yes, admonition does not spoil the continuation of friendship. Rather, it may remove the hatred and hidden spites of the hearts. However, admonition should not be very much because it brings about negative results.
1 Ibid, 81407/5.
2 Ibid, 8/408/7.
3 Ibid, 8/458/1.
4 Bihar al-Anwar, 78/278.
5 Ibid, 78/253/109.
6 Wasa il al-shia, 8/458/2.
7 Ibid, 8/458/3.

For this reason, al- S&iiq, peace be on him, said:” He whose admonition is much, his friends are very few.” Also he said:” Whoever admonishes his brother for every mistake, his admonition will last.”[1]

The Rights of Brothers:

Brothers have many rights. It is difficult for us to count them, and we do not want to search what has been mentioned on them in this connection However, we will mention only one tradition. The tradition is enough for the brother to treat his brother kindly when he puts it into effect.

Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said to al- Mu’alla b. KhanTs that the brother has seven rights. They are: The first right: You should love to him what you love to your self and hate to him what you hate to your self. The second right: You should avoid making him angry, follow his pleasure, and obey his orders.

The third right: You should help him with your self, your money, your tongue, .your hand, and your leg. The fourth right: You should be his eye, his guide, and his mirror. The fifth right: You should not be full, while he is hungry. You should not quench your thirst, while he is thirsty.

You should not clothe your self, while he is naked. The sixth right: When you have a servant, and your brother has no servant, so you should sent him your servant to wash his clothes, to fix his food, and to prepare his bed. The seventh right: You carry out his oath, accept his invitation, visit his ill ones, participate in his funeral procession. When you know that he has a need, you should hasten to fulfill it. You should not force him to request it (the need) from you, but you should hasten to (fulfill it) of your own accord. When you do that, you relaae your friendship to his friendship, and his friendship toyoa friendship”[2]

Helping the Brothers:

In the previous topic the Rights of Brothers, we have mentioned something about helping the brothers. However, it has been mentioned separately in the traditions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. He, pe1ice be on him, said:” Help your brothers with what you have earned.”[3] Also he, peace be on him, said:” Come nearer to Allah through helping your brothers.”[4]

As helping the brothers is very difficult, Abü Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, said:” Among the strongest things which Allah has Imposed on his creatures are three: (The believer should) treat his believing brother with (nametya he should love to him what he loves to himself helping the believing brother with money, calling to mind Allah’s name during every attitude- it is not to say Subhana Allah waaa1- hamdu lillah rather during (doing) what Allah has prohibited him from.”[5]
1 Bihar al- Anwar: 78/278.
2 Wasa il al- Shi’a, 8154417.
3 Ibid 8/415/4.
4 al-Sudiq,al-Khisal.
5 Wasa il al- Shi,a, 5/41515.

I (the author) say: Indeed these are among the difficult things for the person to do, for they Oppose his strongest pleasure such as self- love, money- love, pride, and so on.

Treating the Brothers Kindly:

Treating the brothers kindly is a branch of rendering help to them. AlSâdiq. peace be on him, urged Muslims very much to treat each other kindly. In his commandments to JamTl b. Darrâj, he said:” It is an act of pure belief is to treat the brothers kindly and to satisfy their needs. The Merciful (Allah) loves him who treats his brothers kindly.... Jamil, tell your honorable companions about this tradition. He (Jamil) said: “May I be ransom for you, who are my honorable companions?” He said:” Those who treat their brothers kindly during poverty and riches.”’[1]

In his foregoing commandments to Abid Allah b. Jundub, al- Sadiq said:” Indeed, to move the feet to visit the brothers and to treat them kindly is the best way to worship Allah.”
As treating the brothers kindly is great with Allah, the Exalted, the Satan does his best to prevent man from doing that, In these commandments he said:” Bin Jundub, the Satan has snares to catch (people) so, beware of his snares.” He (Bin Jundub) said:” Son of the Prophet of Allah, what are his snares?” He (the Prophet) said:” As for his snares, he (the Satan) prevent you from treating your brothers kindly.”

Truthful Talk and Giving the Trust:

Abu Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, advised his companions to be truthful in their talks and to give trusts to their owners. In this connection, we have mentioned some information before.

Though these two traits are the best of all traits in themselves, they have clear effects on the religion. For example, they bring about love and confidence among people, so riches happens. In this regard, we will mention the following tradition.

Al-sadiq, peace be on him, said to Abd al- Ra1unan b. Sayyaba:” Do you not want me to give you a commandment?” Abd al- Rahman said:” Yes, may I be ransom for you.” Al- Sadiq said:” Cleave to the truthful talk and giving the trust. So, you Will share people their properties." Abd al-Rahman said:” I ha will share people their properties.” Abd al hundred thousand dirhams”a the tradition, so I have earned three hundred thousand dirhams."[2]
1 Wasa’il al- Shi’a.
2 Bihar al- Anwar: 47/384/107.

Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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