
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


SECOND: The pilgrim has to prepare himself for the spiritual setting by repenting an inclusive repentance which includes all prerequisites such as the payment of all financial obligations like the khums, the monetary compensations to anyone whom he wronged, the due kaff~ras (monetary payments in lieu of violating certain Commandments), in addition to non-monetary measures such as asking forgiveness of those whom one was backbiting or harming, or those whose honor one violated, up to all other sins as detailed in the right place. He must also ask his parents, who are the source of his being, to forgive his shortcomings in looking after them. Then one must write his will in the presence of eye-witnesses without over-burdening the person whom he chooses to carry out his will (his wasi) on his behalf in spending the third of his wealth, so that he may not cause any Muslim to be embarrassed following his death. After all of these steps have been undertaken, the pilgrim must entrust all his family and offspring to the One Who is entrusted with everything, for surely He is the best to help, and how good He is to trust!
     The outcome is that a pilgrim has to sever all his ties in order to solely keep All~h in mind, weighing the possibility, even the certainty, that he will die at any moment.

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