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Some Rulings about haram things during irham

Some Rulings about haram things during irham

1- Wearing sewn cloths:
Issue 129. It is not permissible for a muḥrim man to wear sewn clothes, i.e. those clothes with collar, sleeves or legs and at worn through introducing head, arms or legs through like a shirt, an amour, trousers, a jacket underwear or the like
Issue 130. As for the issue above, it makes no difference whether the worn clothes are sewn, woven or else.

Issue 131. It is not a problem to wear sewn things that are non considered as cloths like normal belts, belts with purses — for keeping money — watch bands, etc.
Issue 132. Sitting and sleeping on sewn cushion or clothes (that are prohibited to be worn during ihram) is not objected.
Issue 133. There is no problem in putting a duvet cover or a blanket, even those with sewn edges, on one's shoulder. It is also not a problem if the edges of ihram dresses are sewn.
Issue 134. Intentionally wearing sewn clothes requires killing a sheep as a kaffarah. To wear more than one piece of clothes — like wearing pants and a coat or a shirt with underwear — make one obliged to repeat the kaffarah for every piece.
Issue 135. If one is compelled to wear prohibited clothing due to cold, sickness or anything else, one is allowed to do so but it is based on caution to do kaffārah after that by slaughtering a sheep.
Issue 136. Women are allowed to wear all kinds of sewn clothes without a need for kaffarah. But, they are not permitted to wear gloves.

2- Wearing footwear that covers the entire back of the foot:
Issue 137. During ihram men are prohibited from wearing slippers and socks. They should, by obligatory caution, refrain from wearing any footwear that covers the whole back of the feet like shoes and the like.
Issue 138. there is no problem in wearing open slippers and sandals with wide leather bands that do not cover all the back of the foot.
Issue 139. Covering the feet with a duvet cover while sitting or sleeping is no problem. There is also no problem if ihram dress would hang down until the feet.
Issue 140. If a man during ihram is forced to wear shoes or something else that covers the entire back of the feet, he is allowed to do so but he should, by obligatory caution, open its back.
Issue 141. If one wears slippers, socks or other things that mentioned above, he is not required to observe the kaffarah, yet he may, by mustahabb caution, slaughter a sheep in case of the socks.
Issue 142. The said ruling (prohibition of wearing slippers, shoes, socks, etc.) is special for men. However, it is a mustahabb that women act upon it, as well.

3- Covering the head for men and covering the face for women:
Issue 143. A man is not allowed to cover his head with a cap, a turban, a handkerchief, a towel, etc.
Issue 144. By obligatory caution, a man should not put anything on his head that does cover it like henna, soap foam, luggage (when carrying it), etc.
Issue 145. The ear is included in the head and thus, a man cannot cover it during ihram.
Issue 146. Covering a part of the head in a way that it could be interpreted as covering the head, like putting a small hat in the middle of the head, is impermissible. Otherwise, it is no problem like putting a copy of the Holy Qur'an on the head or drying a part of it gradually with a towel although it is a caution to avoid even this.
Issue 147. A man in ihram is not permitted to immerse his head in water. Apparently, this ruling is also applied to women. However, if one does so, no kaffaarah is required.
Issue 148. By obligatory caution, kaffarah of covering the head is a sheep.
Issue 149. Covering the head due to absent-mindedness or ignorance does not require kaffarah.
Issue 150. Women are forbidden, while in ihram state, from covering their face as they usually do for hijab or hiding themselves. Therefore, covering a part of the face – like covering the two cheeks, nose, mouth and chin — if it could actually be considered as covering the face as in wearing hijab or hiding from others is ruled as covering the whole face and, thus, impermissible.
Issue 151. Women are allowed to use mask during ihram.
Issue 152. There is no problem in women's covering the upper or lower part of the face or both of them as it is the custom adopted in wearing hijab or as women do for covering their head during prayer so that it is not interpreted as covering the face no mater whether it is done during praying or not.
Issue 153. It is haram to cover the face with a fan or the like (paper, newspaper, etc.), but doing so with one's hand is not a problem.
Issue 154. A woman in ihram is allowed to let her `aba (chador) to hang down over her face until the upper part of the nose. However, caution recommends avoiding that in case no non-mahram looking at her.
Issue 155. As far as the previous issue is concerned, it is a caution that she does not let the said veil touch her face.
Issue 156. Although it goes with caution, kaffarah is not mandatory for covering the face.

4- Shading for men:
Issue 157. Men are not allowed — while in ihram — to shade themselves during traveling between different regions and cities (like in traveling from miqat to Mecca, from Mecca to `Arafat, etc.). However, there is no problem in shading if they stopped at a place on the way or when they reach the distinatin place as if they enter a house or a restaurant. Accordingly, traveling with a roofed car is impermissible.
Issue 158. It is a caution that the muhÌ£rim pilgrim, after reaching Mecca before performing ‘umrah rites and also in ‘arafat and Mina, refrains from being under movable shades like roofed buses and umbrella.
Issue 159. The ruling mentioned in the above two issues is specific for shading during the day. Therefore, transportation in a roofed but at the night is no problem although observing caution here is preferable.
Issue 160. During cold and rainy nights, it is a caution that a muḥrim avoids riding roofed buses and the like if riding is aimed to escape the cold or rainy weather.
Issue 161. There is no harm, even during the day, in standing / sitting in the shade of a wall, a tree, etc. or passing under a fixed roof like a tunnel or a bridge.
Issue 162. Prohibition of shading is specific for men. Thus, women are absolutely allowed to shade themselves.
Issue 163. The kaffarah of shading is a sheep.
Issue 164. If one is compeled to shade himself due to an illness or any other excuse, he may do so but he has to slaughter a sheep as a kaffarah.
Issue 165. Kaffarah of shading is obligatory only once during each ihram even though the act of shading is repeated. Accordingly, if one shades several times during `umrah ihram, only one kaffarah is required and so is the ruling during hajj ihram.

5- Using perfumes:
Issue 166. During ihram, it is haram to use any kind of perfumes like musk, aloe, rose water and all the currently used perfumes.
Issue 167. It is impermissible to wear already perfumed clothes if they still smell perfumed.
Issue 168. By obligatory caution, using perfumed soap or shampoo is not allowed.
Issue 169. On obligatory caution basis, one should refrain from smelling anything with scent even though it is not considered as perfume like flowers, vegetables and fruits with good scent.
Issue 170. During ihram, person is forbidden from eating food flavored with saffron.
Issue 171. There is no problem in eating fruits that smell good like apple, orange, and the like but one should, by obligatory caution, not smell them.
Issue 173. It is an obligatory caution that one slaughters a sheep as a kaffarah if one intentionally uses perfume even in food like saffron.
Issue 172. A person in ihram is not allowed to avoid smelling a bad adour. Of course, there is no harm in leaving the place with bad adour or passing it to another place.

6- Looking into a mirror:
Issue 174. It is ḥarām to look into a mirror for purposes of adornment; otherwise it is not a problem such as when the driver looks into the car mirror.
Issue 175. Looking into a still water or a polished smooth surface in which one can see his / her image has the same ruling of looking into the mirror, i.e. it is not allowed if it is intended for adornment.
Issue 176. If there is a mirror in one's living room and one knows that he / she will absent – mindedly look into it, there is no problem to leave it like that, but it is better to take it out or cover it.
Issue 177. Wearing glasses is not a problem unless it is intended for adornment.
Issue 178. There is no problem in taking photos while in ihram.
Issue 179. Looking into a mirror requires no kaffarah but it is an obligatory caution that one says talbiyah after such an act.

7- Wearing a ring:
Issue 180. According to the obligatory caution, a person in ihram should avoid wearing a ring if it is intended for adornment.
Issue 181. If wearing the ring is not for adorning purposes but as a mustahabb act or for other purposes, it is not a problem.
Issue 182. No kaffarah required for wearing a ring during ihram.

8- Applying henna or dyeing:
Issue 183. By obligatory caution, a person in ihram should avoid using henna or dying hair if it is considered as adornment. Furthermore, one should refrain from anything used as adornment.
Issue 184. If one has put henna on hands, feet and nails or dyed hair before entering ihram and its color remains until ihram, there is no problem in that.
Issue 185. No kaffarah to be observed for dyeing and applying henna.

9- Applying oil to the body:
Issue 186. It is impermissible for a person in ihram to apply oil to his / her body or hair weather it is a perfumed oil or not.
Issue 187. Perfumed oils should not be applied even before ihram if their scent will remain until ihram.
Issue 188. There is no problem in consuming cooking oil if it has no god smell.
Issue 189. If one is compelled to apply oil for treatment, avoiding the harm of sunlight or preventing perspiration that is adversely affects the skin, it is no problem.
Issue 190. The kaffarah of applying perfumed oil is, by caution, a sheep and non-perfumed oil is feeding a needy person. Anyhow, it is not remote that kaffarah is not required for both.

10- Removing hair:
Issue 191. A person in ihram is forbidden from removing body or scalp hair no matter whether it is in a big or little amount or even a single hair, whether by shaving or plucking and weather one's or others' hair.
Issue 192. It is not a problem if the hair fell during wuḍū’, ghusl or tayammum if it is not with the purpose of removing it.
Issue 193. If one is forced to remove some hair like a harmful eyelash or some scalp hair which cause headache, it is not a problem.
Issue 194. If one, during ihram, shaves his / her head consciously and deliberately without being necessary, one must laughter a sheep as a kaffarah. But, doing so absent – mindedly or due to ignorance about the rule requires no kaffarah.
Issue 195. If one is forced to shave his / her head, its kaffarah is either giving twelve mudds (1 mudd = 750 gm.) of food to six needy person, keeping three fasts or slaughtering a sheep.
Issue 196. If one, during ihram, trims his / her scalp hair with scissors or machine, one should, by obligatory caution, slaughter a sheep as a kaffarah.
Issue 197. If one touches the hair of his scalp or beard and one or more hairs fell down, then it is based on mustaḥabb caution to give a handful of wheat, flour or the like as a charity (sadaqah).

11- Applying black salve (kuhl) to eyes:
Issue 198. A person in ihram is not allowed to apply black salve or eyeliner — as women do for adornment — if that will be considered as adornment. It makes no difference if it is with black or other colors.

12- Clipping nails:
Issue 199. It is ḥarām to clip the nails whether all or some of them, whether on the hand or foot whether just clipping, cutting or putting out, and whether with a clipper, scissors or by other means.
Issue 200. If one is compelled to clip / cut his / her nails — like when a part of the nail is broken and the remnant causes harm to him / her —, there is no problem in doing so.
Issue 201. Clipping others' nails is no problem.
Issue 202. kaffarah of clipping nails during irham is as follows:
a) If one clips one or more nails on the hand or foot, one must give one mudd (750 gm.) of food to a needy person for each nail.
b) If all the nails of the hand or foot are clipped, the kaffarah is a sheep.
c) If one clips all fingernails and toenails in one occasion, one has to slaughter a sheep, but if he / she clips all fingernails in one occasion and all toenails at another occasion, one should slaughter two sheep as a kaffarah.

13- Causing blood to come out from the body:
Issue 203. By obligatory caution, one during ihram should not do antyhign that may cause bleeding.
Issue 204. There is no objection to getting injected while in ihram. But, if that will make blood comes out, it is an obligatory caution that one avoids it unless in urgent cases.
Issue 205. By obligatory caution, one should refrain from having his / her tooth pulled if it causes bleeding except for urgent conditions.
Issue 206. No kaffarah is required for causing one's body bleed although it is musthaabb to slaughter a sheep.

14- Fusūq:
Issue 207. Fusuq includes lying, cursing others and boasting. The degree of prohibition of lying and cursing during ihram is more than in normal conditions while boasting is not haram but during ihram.
Issue 208. Kaffarah is not required for fusuq but one should ask Allah for forgiveness.

15- Dispute (jidal):
Issue 209. If dispute with others include taking an oath using the name of Allah, i.e. to say while disputing with others 'la wallah' [no, by Allah] or 'bala wallah' [yes, by Allah], it is haram during ihram.
Issue 210. By obligatory caution, swearing by the translations of the name of Allah in languages other than Arabic, as 'God' in English, should be avoided. It is also an obligatory caution that one avoids taking an oath with other Allah's names like that one avoids taking an oath with other Allah's names like al-Rahman [the Most Gracious], al-Rahim [the Most Merciful], al-Qadir [the Powerful], etc.
Issue 211. Taking an oath by sacred names other than the name of Allah is not forbidden during ihram.
Issue 212. If one takes an oath about a true thing, he / she must ask Allah forgiveness in the first and second time and no kaffarah is needed but if oaths become more than two, a sheep should be slaughtered.
Issue 213. If a person in ihram takes an oath about a false thing, he / she should slaughter a sheep as a kaffarah for the first and second oaths and it is a caution that one slaughter two sheep for the second one. But, taking more than two oaths necessitates slaughtering a cow.

16- To kill those creatures that live on the body
Issue 214. By obligatory caution, killing the lice (live on one's body, hair or clothes) or other similar insects like fleas while in ihram is not permissible.

17- Uprooting a tree or a plant in Haram
Issue 215. Uprooting, cutting or breaking trees and plants grown in the Haram is haram whether for a person in ihram or outside irham status.
Issue 216. The plants uprooted / cut due to walking or as fodder are to be excluded from the aforementioned ruling.
Issue 217. No kaffarah is needed for uprooting grass, herb or weed in the Haram area. Rather, the only required thing is asking Allah forgiveness. On the other hand, uprooting a tree necessitates, by obligatory caution, to slaughter a cow as a kaffarah.

18- Carrying weapons
Issue 218. A person is not allowed to carry weapons while in ihram.
Issue 219. If carrying weapons is needed for keeping one's life or property or others' life, it would be allowed, then.

19- Hunting land animals
Issue 220. Hunting animals during ihram status is haram unless one is afraid of being harmed by them. Hunting birds and locusts is also haram.
Issue 221. A person in ihram is not permitted to eat the meat of a hunted animal whether it has been hunted by the same person or another one and whether the hunter was in ihram or not.
Issue 222. There is neither problem in taking sea animals, like fishes, from water (fishing) nor in eating their meat.
Issue 223. Slaughtering and eating domestic animals like sheep, goats, chickens, etc. is not a problem.
Issue 224. Hunting animals within the boundaries of Haram area is not allowed whether for individuals who are in ihram status or those outside it.
Note: rules of hunting during ihram and kaffarahs relevant to it are so many. As they are not frequently encountered things in the present time, we would not go in details.

20- Sexual intercourse
Issue 225. During ihram, it is haram to have sexual intercourse or any other sexual enjoyment with one's wife like petting or looking lustfully at her.
Issue 226. Both of the husband and wife are allowed to look at each other or touch each other's hand without lustful intentions.
Issue 227. The people who are mahram for a person — like father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, etc. — remain in this status even during ihram.
Issue 228. The kaffarah to be observed for having sexual intercourse with one's wife is slaughtering a camel. In some situations it could invalidate the hajj with details mentioned in the jurisprudential books.
Issue 229. For each of the other sexual enjoyments there is a specific kaffarah details of which is mentioned in the jurisprudential books.

21- Making a marriage contract
Issue 230. It is prohibited for a person in ihram to make a marriage contract whether for himself or on behalf of another, and whether that person is in ihram or not. Such a contract is ruled as void.
Issue 231. As far as the ruling above is concerned, it makes no difference whether the marriage contract is permanent or temporary.

22- Masturbation:

Issue 232. During ihram it is haram to masturbate and its ruling is the same of that of sexual intercourse. Masturbation means doing something with oneself to ejaculation.

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