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Back You are here: Home Library Chapter Two: Hajj on behalf General rules of Hajj al-tamattu‘

General rules of Hajj al-tamattu‘

General rules of Hajj al-tamattu‘

Conditions of hajj al-tamattu‘ are as follows:
First: Intention, which is the intention of performing a particular type of hajj at the time of doing ihÌ£rām for ‘umrah; otherwise it is not valid.
Second: Its ‘umrah and hajj both must fall during the months of hajj.
Third: Both hajj and ‘umrah should be performed in the same year.

Fourth: Both hajj and ‘umrah should be performed by one person and on behalf of one person. So if two persons are hired to perform hajj al-tamattu‘ on behalf of a dead person in such a way that one of them is for ‘umrah and the other for hajj, it would not be valid.
Issue 75. In normal conditions, one whose duty is hajj al-tamattu‘ is not allowed to shift from it to hajj al-ifrād or al-qirān.
Issue 76. One, whose duty is hajj al-tamattu‘ and becomes aware that there is no time to complete ‘umrah and perform the hajj in its time, whether before or after engaging in ‘umrah, is obliged to shift from hajj al-tamattu‘ to hajj al-ifrād then perform ‘umrah al-mufradah after completing its practices.
Issue 76. If, after entering ihÌ£rām for ‘umrah mufradah, a woman’s period starts and she cannot wait to become clean, to do ghusl and to perform ‘umrah actions, she has to hire a nā’ib (representative) to perform tÌ£awāf and its prayer on her behalf but she has to perform sa‘y and taqsÄ«r herself. Then she is released from ihÌ£rām status. If she enters ihÌ£rām while menstruating, the rule is also the same.
If a woman — who wants to perform hajj al-tamattu‘ — is menstruating when she reaches mÄ«qāt, then she should become muhrim for ‘umrah of tamattu‘ in mÄ«qāt if it is probable that she would be pure before it becomes too short to make ghusl, to do ‘umrah of tamattu‘ rites, to become muhÌ£rim again for hajj of tamattu‘, and to be in ‘arafāt on ‘arafah day at shar‘Ä« noon. Then, if she incidentally does not become pure or time becomes short, she should switch with the same ihÌ£rām to hajj al-ifrād and perform ‘umrah mufradah thereafter (i.e. after hajj al-ifrād) and this will be valid to exempt her from hajj al-tamattu‘.
However, if she is sure that she will not become pure to attend ‘arafāt in ihÌ£rām of hajj or the time will become too short after purity [to do ‘umrah rites before attending ‘arafāt), she has to enter ihÌ£rām for hajj al-ifrād at the same mÄ«qāt and then do ‘umrah mufradah after it and it will also be enough.
But, if she enters ihÌ£rām while pure but her period starts on the way or inside Mecca before doing tÌ£awāf and its prayer or during tÌ£awāf before its forth round and she will not become pure to perform ‘umrah plus attending the normal wuqÅ«f in ‘arafāt, then she has the choice either to switch with the same ihÌ£rām to hajj al-ifrād and perform ‘umrah mufradah after hajj al-ifrād, or to neglect tÌ£awāf and its prayer and shift to sa‘y and taqsÄ«r to be released from ihÌ£rām of ‘umrah and after she enters ihÌ£rām for hajj, attends the two wuqÅ«fs, performs Minā rites and returns to Mecca for its special rites she makes up in qaḍā’ for the missed ‘umrah tÌ£awāf and prayer either before or after Mecca rites of hajj (i.e. hajj tÌ£awāf, its prayer and sa‘y) and this is also valid to replace hajj al-tamattu‘ and nothing will be on her.
Also if her period starts after the 4th round of ‘umrah tÌ£awāf , leaving the tÌ£awāf and its prayer, she does sa‘y and taqsÄ«r to be released from ihÌ£rām, then completes hajj rites on their due time and upon returning to Mecca she would compensate for the tÌ£awāf and prayer of ‘umrah either before or after doing hajj tÌ£awāf , its prayer and sa‘y and that will also be valid and enough.

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