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The Provisos (Shurat) of Tawaf

The Provisos (Shurat) of Tawaf

 According to the Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools ritual purity (taharah, i.e. freedom from hadath and khabath)isrequired; thus the tawafof one who is Junub or a woman undergoing hayd ornifas, isnot valid. Also, it is necessary to cover one's private parts completely as in salat.

The author of the Fiqh al‑Sunnah (p. 154, 1955)says: "In the opinion of the Hanafis, freedom from hadath isnot an essential requirement. However, it is an obligation whose omission may be compensated through a blood sacrifice. So, if one performs tawafin the state of minor impurity (hadath asghar)his/her tawafisvalid, though one is required to sacrifice a sheep. If tawafis performed in the state of janabah or hayd, [3]the tawafisvalid, though the sacrifice of a camel is required during the pilgrim's stay in Makkah."

 According to al‑Fiqh `ala al‑madhdhib al‑'arba `ah (vol.I, p. 535, 1939): "The taharah of the clothes, the body, and the location of prayer (in salat)is(only) a highly recommended sunnah (sunnah mu'akkadah)from the Hanafi viewpoint; (this is true) even of tawaf, there being no penalty even if all the clothes are completely ritually unclean (najis)."

 According to the Imamiyyah, taharah from hadath and khabath is a proviso for validity of an obligatory tawaf. In the same way, covering the private parts (satr al‑`awrah)with a ritually clean cloth legitimately owned (ghayr maghsub)isalso a requirement. Moreover, it should not be made of silk or the skin of an animal whose flesh may not be eaten, nor made of golden fabric ‑‑requirements which are the same as for salat. It may be said that the Imamiyyah are even more stringent with regard to tawafthan salat. They consider a blood spot of the size of a dirham as pardonable for one performing salat, but not for one performing tawaf. Further, they consider wearing of silk and gold as impermissible even for women during tawaf(which is permissible for women in salat). According to the Imamiyyah, circumcision is a requirement for tawafwithout which it is invalid, both for an adult man and a child (al‑Jawahir, al‑Hada'iq).

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