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Holy Places of Mecca

Holy Places of Mecca


The Building of Kaaba

This building’s height is 14.58 meters and the length of Kaaba side is 11.58 meters, and the length of Hijre Ismael side is 10.22 meters. The building of Kaaba is made of black and hard stones that would be revealed fully after pushing aside its cover. Its pillars are made of melted lead, So this is a very strong and firm building.
The internal bed of the House of Kaaba is located 1.5 meters above the ground. Before the Qoraish’s leadership in Mecca, Kaaba had 2 doors: one was in the eastern region and the other was in the western part where they enter from one and exit from the other. But Qoraish constructed one door only in the eastern region. Kaaba had double roofs with wooden pillars that were in one row in the middle. They installed marble stones around the roof and constructed a stair near it in order to reach the upper roof.

The Corners of Kaaba

Each one of the 4 corners of the House has its own name: The northern corner is called Iraqi, the western corner is Shami, the southern corner is Yemeni and the eastern one is Asvad. The House of Kaaba has a square form with a roof, with 3 pillars inside. In the reconstruction in 1417 A.H, the internal walls were repaired and new stones were installed on it.

Hajar Al-Asvad

Hajar Al-Asvad is located at the eastern corner. It is 1.50 m above the ground. It is a black stone, reddish with oval shape. Its diagonal is 30cm with red spots on it. It is framed with silver.

Hijre Ismael

This is the unroofed place in the north of Kaaba. It has a low and semicircle wall that Ismael built it like Kaaba as a shelter for his sheep. The Hijre had been ruined many times but had been rebuilt again. Circumambulation is done from outside it.


That part of wall which is located between Hajar Al-Asvad and Kaaba’s door, is called Moltazam, Because the Hajjis are bounded themselves to pray in this place.


Mostajar is located in front of the Kaaba’s door and by the side of the Rokne Yamani. When Kaaba had 2 doors, one of them was Mostajar. Then it was closed. It is said that this is the place split open  for Fatima Bint Asad when she gave birth to Imam Ali (AS).


Due to the narratives , the surface of Masjid Al-Haram, which continues as far as the Kaaba’s wall, is called Hatim. As some of researchers tell, Hatim is the part that begins from Hajar Al-Asvad and continues to the side of Zamzam and then to Magham Ibrahim and Hijre Ismael. This region as far as the Kaaba’s wall is called Hatim.

The Shazeravan of Kaaba 

This is the place, which is surrounded by the lower sides of Kaaba in 3 directions: western, eastern and southern sides, and Shazeravan shows the amount that Qoraysh decreased from the measures of the Kaaba’s main building.

Magham-e- Ibrahim

It is the stone that Ismael (AS) took for his father, Abraham (AS) to stand on it and get the materials of Kaaba building from Ismael (AS). So this place is called Magham Ibrahim. (Place of standing). 

The Zamzam well

The Zamzam well is located 18 meters in the south of Magham Ibrahim and it is also in the mosque. When God Flowed Zamzam’s water for Ismael (AS), his mother, Hajar, made a small pool around it to fill her water-skin with water and also not been wasted. But there is a long time since Zamzam has been flowing and Mecca has been using it and who knows how long it would flow? God Appointed Abdul Motalleb ibn Hashem -the Messenger’s grandfather (P.B.U.H)- to it and he dug the well, and his children became responsible for the well.


Masaa is the place where the Haji should do Saay between the mountains of Safa and Marveh. The Safa Mountain is located in the southern part of Masjid Al-Haram and the Marveh Mountain is located in the northeast of this region. Masaa is divided into 2 parts: entrance and exit. Its leng this 394.5 m and its width is about 20 m.

The Kaaba's curtain

There is a black covering which is called the Kaaba’s curtain or Kasveh. The upper margin of the curtain is embroidered with verses from the holly Koran. The material of the curtain is pure silk, which is decorated with golden and silver strings. It is said that the first person who covered Kaaba with a curtain was the Prophet Ismael (AS).

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