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Geography of Medina

Geography of Medina


Baqee, Al-Gharqad

In the cemetery of holy Medina, in which at the time of God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) many of the companions were buried there. After the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) passed away, 4 immaculate Imams (AS) and some of the great followers and descendents of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) were buried in this cemetery. Since that time thousands of scientists, abstinent and righteous people who where died in Medina were buried in the same cemetery.
The Messenger (P.B.U.H) maintained a special respect for the buried of this cemetery. This place which locates at the eastern part of Masjid Al-Nabi, was not very important in the ignorant era. Baqee hadn't any fortification until 100 years ago but it has been fortified now and since then, Muslims of different sects come to Baqee after pilgrimage to the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) and pilgrimage to the Messenger's household (P.B.U.H) and after burying people in this cemetery.

The buried in Baqee

The buried in Baqee: The blessed graves of 4innocent Imams (AS) locate in front of the maindoor a little to the right. Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS), Imam Mojetaba (AS) was born in the middle ofRamadan of the third year of Hejira and he wasmuch interested by the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) since his childhood.

He took part in wars ofJamal, Seffein and Nahrovan by the side of hisgreat father, Amir Al-Momenin (AS), and afterhis father's martyrdom, he was appointed as Imamand he ruled as caliph for about 6 months.

Then,Moaviyeh imposed a war on him and the peoplealso left him lonely and at last, with the instigationof Moaviyeh ibn abi Sofyan, he was poisoned andmartyred by his wife, Jeadah, daughter of Ashasibn Gheass in the year 50 A.G.1-Imam Zein Alabedin, Ali ibn Hussein (AS):Imam sajjad (AS) was born in the year 38 H.G.He grew up during the Imamate period ofHassan ibn Ali (AS) and his great father Husseinibn Ali (AS) in Karbala.

He was with his fatherbut because of his illness he couldn't take part inwar, then he was taken to Sham (Syria) with othercaptives and since that time, he was the Imam for about34 years. Finally with the instigation of Valid ibnAbdul Malek, he was poisoned and martyred poisoned inthe year 94 A.G, and he was buried next to ImamMojetaba (AS) in Baqee.

He was famous by allthe friends and the enemise for his abstemiousness,worships, generosity and greatness,2-Imam Mohammad ibn Ali ibn Hussein (AS):Imam Bagher (AS) was born in the year 58 A.Gand he lived by the side of his great father untilthe year 94 A.G. After his father's martyrdom,he became leader and he trained many students.

He took long and effective steps for propagationof Islamic thoughts and the Messenger'shousehold (P.B.U.H). He was entitled BagherAl-Uloom and he was martyred by the instigation of Heshamibn Abdul Malek in the year 114 or 117 A.G andwas buried by the side of his great father inBaqee.3-Imam Ja'far ibn Mohammad al-Sadegh (AS):His Highness was born in the year 80or 83 A.Gand after his father's martyrdom, he was assumed theleadership of the followers of the Messenger'shousehold (AS).

He trained thousands ofstudents in different scientific fields during hisfruitful life. Mansour, the second Abbasi calif,treated him very harshly and at last, with hisinstigation, he was poisoned and martyred on the 25th Shavaal, 148 A.G and was buried by theside of his father and grandfather in Baqee.There are 2 other graves by the side of the 4Imams' graves of the household of the God'sMessenger (P.B.U.H).

One of them is the graveof Abbas ibn Abdul Mottaleb; uncle of theMessenger (P.B.U.H) and the other one is thegrave of Fatimah bent Assad, the mother of AmirAl-Momenin (AS)4-Fatimah bint Assad: She was Abutaleb's wifeand Ali ibn Abutaleb's mother and was the firstpeople who contracted with the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) and had an important role in protection themessenger's (P.B.U.H) .

She had such a greatholiness that she went to Kaaba and gave birth to herchild, Ali ibn Abitaleb. The holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)became very sad when she passed away and hehimself prayed at her dead body and put her inthe grave. The grave is attributed to the highness of Fatima (S): The great scientists such as SheikhSaddugh, Sheikh Mufid, Sheikh Tusi, ibn Tavoosand Allameh Majlisi think that the grave of herhighness is her own house which was located in themosque later.

The place that is specified as hergrave in Baqee is located lower than the graversof 4 Imams, in right position (Northwest) and itmay be the grave of Fatimah Bint Assad.5-Abbas ibn Abdul Mottaleb (AS): He was oneof the great people of Qoraysh and was otherthan the God's messenger 3 or 2 years. He tookpart in the Bard's was unwillingly with theGhoraysh in the second year A.H, andthen he was captivated by the Muslims and wasset free by Fediyah (ransom). At last he became one of thebest followers of the Messenger (P.B.U.H) .Afterthe death of God's Messenger (P.B.U.H), hekept fidelity to Amir Momenin Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) and he died in Medina in the year 33 A.G andwas buried in the Baqee cemetery.

To the north of Medina, a six kilometers LongMountain lies from east to west. This mountaincalled Uhud because it is separated from othergroups of mountains. It brings back the memoryto one of the crucial and painful battles in theearly Islamic era. In this battle a lot of theProphet's companions were martyred becausesome Muslims had neglected the orders of theProphet (P.B.U.H)

The graveyard of martyrs

After the battle of Uhud, Muslims buried theirmartyrs at the mountainside and a graveyard wasfounded there. Best Muslims from Muhajireen(migrants) and Ansar (supporters), like Hamzathe uncle of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), were buried there.Muslims were extremely influenced by MountUhud to the extent that the Prophet (AS) said:Uhud is a mountain that loves us, and we loveit too.

The Mosque of Qiba

Qiba is six kilometers south of al-Nabi mosque.Itis one of the good -weather suburbs of Medina.According to many traditions, this mosque waswhat meant by the verse: " certainly a Masjidfounded on piety form the very first day is more deservingthat you should stand in it ". Qiba Mosque is thefirst mosque built by the Prophet (AS). It is one ofthe most beautiful and important mosques ofMedina.

The Mosque of Fadeikh

About the meaning of Fadeikh, it is said that it isa name of a date -palm or some alcoholic drinkderived from the date palm. In his Raid on Banial-Nadeer, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) pitched his tent there andfor this reason this mosque has been calledFadeikh. Fadeikh mosque is situated in thewoodland of date palms which is to the south ofQiba mosque in al-Awali district and Al-AwaliStreet, opposite to al-Watani Hospital.

The Mosque of Al-Ejaba

Al-Ejaba mosque is in the north of Baqee and500 meters away from Al-Nabi mosque . Thismosque is also called Banu mosque Muauyah. TheShiites' references have mentioned Al-Mobaheleh mosque in Medina, which is well knowntoday as Al-Ejaba mosque itself.

The Mosque of Ghamama (Musalla)

The first mosque in the western district ofMedina, which is the closest to Al-Nabi mosquetoday (about 500 m), is Ghamama mosque orMusalla where the Prophet (P.B.U.H) performed the Eed(festival) prayer. (Musalla is a place forperforming the Eed prayer, which is outside thecity in an open area).

Al-Masajid Al-Sabaa (the seven mosques)

In the northwest of Medina, there is a mountaincalled Salaa. To the west of this mountain and onits foot, few mosques exists called masajid Fath.These mosques now are six. In the samedirection, another mosque exist calledAl-Qiblatain. The latter mosque along with theother six make together what is known asAl-Masajid Al-Sabaa, which means the sevenmosques.

The Mosque of Al-Qiblatain (the two Qiblahs)

Converting the direction of the Qiblah was in theyear 2 A.H. Before that Muslims were prayingtowards Jerusalem. The Jews' taunts and thepray of the Prophet (AS) was the reason whyAllah Converted the direction of Qiblah towardsMecca in the verses 142 to150 from the Al-Baqarah Surah. According to some traditions, therevelation of these verses was in this mosque.The mosque has a Mihrab (altar) towards Qiblahand the spot of the previous Qiblah isdistinguished too. The mosque of Qiblatain isnorthwest of Medina in about 3.5 kilometers fromAl-Nabi mosque .

The Mosque of Fath

The most important mosque among themosques of Fath is the one known as Fath mosque or Al-Aala or Al-Ahzab. This mosque is on amountain where the ditch of Al-Ahzab battlewas dug. Here the Prophet (P.B.U.H) prayed for theMuslims to overcome the enemy. The area ofFath mosque is 24 square meters and its height isabout three meters.

The Mosque of Fatima Al-ZahraaThe mosque of Fatima is nearby Fath mosque .It is now 7.5 meters long and 2.5 meters widewith a small Mihrab (altar). Among the sixmosques, one mosque is of Ali ibn abi Talib.Some researchers think that the mosque referrednow to Abu Bakr is in fact Ali mosque , while themosque known as the mosque of Ali (AS) isAbu Bakr mosque.

The Mosque of Salman

This mosque has a prayer hall and an openspace. It is 8.5 meters long and 7 meters wide.

The Mosque of Abuzar

It is a mosque which is known as the mosque ofAbuzar who was one of the truthful followers ofthe God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) and it is locatedin Abuzar Avenue at 500 Km away from MasjidAl-Nabi. Its main name was Albohir or Al-Sevafor Al-Sajdeh. It is narrated that the prophet (P.B.U.H) had along prostration in this mosque.

The Mosque of Saniat Al-Vedae

It is applied to th e entrance of Medina where peoplewelcome passengers. Medina had 2 entrances: One of them was towardsMecca and the other one was towardsSham. What is remained now and its place isdistinguished, is just the entrance of Sham whichis located at the Uhud way. The Salle andZobab Mountains were at the west side, while themosque of Soniat Al-Vedae is at the right sideof that. The God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) waswelcomed in this place after coming back fromthe battle of Tabook.

The Mosque of Soqia

This mosque was located in Horeh Soqia andaccording to a narrative; the God's Messenger(P.B.U.H) performed an ablution with water ofSoqia well and prayed for the Medina people. Itis also narrated that he deliberated in this placewhen he was going to Badr and after paradingthe troops; he ordered the immatures to returnback. Somebelieve that this mosque was ruined but some believethat it still exists.

The Mosque and Mashrabeh of Ome Ibrahim 

Mashrabeh means garden. Mariyeh Qobtiyehgave birth to Ibrahim, the God Messenger's son inthis place. According to Imam Sadegh,Mashrabeh is one of the places where it wasrecommended to Oqbah ibn Khaled for goingand praying. The prophet (P.B.U.H) bided: the building ofMashrabeh is ruined at this time and it isremained as a cemetery. in Shia's sources, pilgrimingMashrabeh Ome Ibrahim pilgrimage andpraying there is emphasized and recommended.

The Mosque of Masbah

 One of the mosques, which are south of Qiba, isthe mosque of Masbah. As Khabbari believes, thismosque still exists. It is an unroofed building nearthe Ghassan's deposits in qiba and also at thesouthwestern part of the Qiba mosque.It is a small mosque that located 100 m awayfrom the north of Jumea mosque. Its area was 12square meters and existed until 1415 A.H. Thiswas one of the old mosques of Medina. It was ariffle when the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) cameto Qiba; the Bani Al-Najjar's daughters stoodthere and sang the song of Tala-Al-Badro Alayna.

The Mosque of Banate Bani Al-Najjar

 It is a small mosque that located 100 m awayfrom the north of Jumea mosque. Its area was 12square meters and existed until 1415 A.H. Thiswas one of the old mosques of Medina. It was ariffle when the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) cameto Qiba; the Bani Al-Najjar's daughters stoodthere and sang the song of Tala-Al-Badro Alayna.

The Mosque of Radde Shams 

According to the historical books the mosque ofRadde Shams is the same as mosque of Fadeikh,and it is narrated regarding its name " Shams " or" Radde Shams " that during the surround of BaniNazir's castle, the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H)slept in the afternoon. He put his head on theAmir Momenin's lap. He woke up near thesunset and understood that Imam (AS) hadn't saidhis afternoon prayers yet. He asked God to return back thesun for Imam to say his prayer. This narrative iscalled Radde Shams. Some of the Sunni'snarrators also narrated it.

The Mosque of Al-Darrea

It is one of the memories of Uhud battle. Thismosque was in the way of the God's Messenger(P.B.U.H). It is mentioned in history that the God'sMessenger (P.B.U.H) stayed there for a shorttime and he took off his armour (Darrea) forpraying. The mosque of Al-Darrea, which islocated in this way, is the Messenger's souvenirin this place. It is said that the prophet (P.B.U.H) said hisafternoon and evening prayers here and stayeduntil the next morning. This mosque was namedas the mosque of Al-Bedae and Al-Sheykhin later.

The Mosque of Mobaheleh 

This mosque, which is referred to as the mosqueof Mobaheleh, is the representative of anhistorical big event. Mobaheleh in word meansthe cursing and imprecation to each other. In the 10thyear of Hejira, a group of the Christian of Najran (Aregion in Yemen in the south of Saudi Arabia)came to the Messenger (P.B.U.H) and talkedwith him about the Jesus (AS).

The God'sMessenger (P.B.U.H) bided: Jesus (AS) was the God's servant and his word, which He conveyed to Mary. Theysaid, how a human could be born without a father?Koran was revealed regarding this matter:Parable of Jesus (AS) is like parable of Adam (AS). Sincethe discussion continued too much, the Messenger (P.B.U.H) bided with the God's order that: lets goimprecating with our wives and sons.

The Godwill curse the one, who lies. That day which wasthe 24th or 21st of Zi- Hajjeh, the God's Messenger(P.B.U.H) came out with Ali Mortaza, Fatimah,Hassan and Hussein (AS). When the Christianssaw the glory and formidableness of those greatones, they feared to perform Mobaheleh andrejected it. They compromised with the God'sMessenger (P.B.U.H) and accepted to payJazziyeh (capitation).

The Mosque of Al-Moghsaleh

This mosque has also named as Bani Dinar mosque. IbnShabeh wrote that the God's Messenger (P.B.U.H) prayed in this mosque many times. This mosque islocated in a region that nowadays referred to asMahaleh, with many houses around it.


#1 Mehdi Habibi 2011-01-17 14:59
Ali is the great man in the world

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