
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Infallibles Ali Ibn Musa ar-Reza Anecdotes of Imam Imam Reza's Method of Training Others

Imam Reza's Method of Training Others

Imam Reza's Method of Training Others


Like all other religious leaders His Holiness Imam Ali Ibn Musa-ar- Reza (AS) permanently endeavoured to train and guide talented persons in appropriate opportunities.
In addition to his sermons the Holy Imam (AS) strived to lead others practically.
Once some of his servants took a kind of fruit and cast aside the half-eaten leavings. After praising Allah, the Holy Imam (AS) addressed them and said:
"If you need not this fruit any more, behold there are many people who desire to take some of this edible blessing.

Then don't spoil it and proceed to feed the needy on it."
Here the Holy Imam (AS) has tried to enjoin people to abandon evil acts of dissipation. Unfortunately, the well-to-do people of today are seriously involved in this dangerous catastrophe. These ignorant people leave behind considerable amounts of half-eaten foods carelessly and do not think of the urgent wants of the needy.

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