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Imam Reza's(A.S.) Companions and Narrators of His Traditions - Part 5

Imam Reza's(A.S.) Companions and Narrators of His Traditions - Part 5

201. 'Ali Bin Ja'far

b. Mohammed b. 'Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them. His kunya is Abu` al-Hasan. He had a great position and reliable faith. He was one of those who narrated the text for the Ima`mate of Ima`m al-Ka`zim, peace be on him, and was one of his trustworthy companions. The narrators have reported some signs of his faith and clinging to religion. The following are some of them:

A. 'Ali b. Ja'far related to us and said: [A man whom I regarded as a Wa`qifite asked me:]
"What about your brother Abu` al-Hasan (i.e. Ima`m Mu`sa` al-Ka`zim, peace be on him)?"
"He died," I replied.
"How did you know that?" he asked.
"His properties have been divided; his wives have been married, and the spokesman after him has spoken (i.e. the Ima`m after him has undertaken the office of the Ima`mate), I answered.
"Who is the spokesman after him?" he asked.
"His son Abu` Ja'far," I replied.
"You are an old man, have a great position, and your father is Ja'far b. Mohammed, so why do you say this statement concerning this young man (Ima`m al-Rida`)?" he said.
"I see you nothing except Satan," I said to him, "then I seized my beard and raised it toward the heaven and said: 'What is my strength if Allah has seen him more appropriate for this (i.e. the Ima`mate) and has not seen this white hair more entitled to it?"
The Ima`mate is in the hand of Allah, the Most Exalted. It is He who chooses for it one of His righteous servants. As for the priority in age and other than it, it is not important.

B. Abu` 'Abd Allah b. al-Husayn b. Ima`m Mu`sa`, peace be on him, reported, saying: [I was with Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Jawa`d), peace be on him, in Medina. There was with him 'Ali b. Ja'far and A Medinan Bedouin. The Bedouin asked me:]
"Who is that young man, pointing to Ima`m al-Jawa`d?" "He is the testamentary trustee of Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family," I replied.
The Bedouin admired that and said: "Glory belongs to Allah! Allah's Messenger died two hundred years ago, in the year so-and-so. This is a young man. How will he be the testamentary trustee of Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family?"
('Abd Allah b.) al-Husayn explained the matter to him, saying: "This is the testamentary trustee of 'Ali b. Mu`sa`; 'Ali is the testamentary trustee of Mu`sa` b. Ja'far; Mu`sa` is the testamentary trustee of Ja'far b. Mohammed; Ja'far is the testamentary trustee of Mohammed b. 'Ali; Mohammed is the testamentary trustee of 'Ali b. al-Husayn; 'Ali is the testamentary trustee of al-Husayn; al-Husayn is the testamentary trustee of al-Hasan; al-Hasan is the testamentary trustee of the Commander of the faithful 'Ali b. Abu` Ta`lib; and 'Ali b. Abu` Ta`lib is the testamentary trustee of Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family."

Accordingly, the Bedouin understood that Ima`m al-Jawa`d, peace be on him, was the testamentary trustee of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family.
The Ima`m had sent for a doctor in order to bleed him, so 'Ali b. Ja'far stood up and said to him: "Master, let the doctor start with me, that the sharp iron may cut me before you!"
('Abd Allah b.) al-Husayn addressed the Bedouin, saying: "This is the uncle of his father."
When the doctor had finished the operation, the Ima`m intended to go out, but 'Ali b. Ja'far hurried to prepare his sandals, that he may wear them."
This is evidence for 'Ali b. Ja'far's deep faith in the Ima`m, his knowledge of him and of his position with Allah, the Exalted.

C. Mohammed b. al-Hasan b. 'Amma`r reported, saying: "I stayed with 'Ali b. Ja'far in Medina for two years. I wrote on his authority what he had heard from his brother (i.e. Abu` al-Hasan, peace be on him). (One day) while I was sitting with him, Abu` Ja'far Mohammed b. 'Ali al-Rida`, peace be on him, entered the mosque of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. 'Ali b. Ja'far hurried bare-footed and without a cloak to kiss his hand and to magnify him, so the Ima`m said to him: "Uncle, sit down, may Allah have mercy on you."
'Ali answered him politely and humbly: "Master, how shall I sit while you are standing?
When 'Ali b. Ja'far returned to his session, his companions scolded him for his magnifying the Ima`m, saying: "You are the uncle of his father, so why did you behave in such a manner?"

They did not understand the reality of the Ima`mate, and that Allah, the Exalted, gave it to Ima`m al-Jawa`d. As result 'Ali answered them and said: "Keep silent! If Allah, the Great and Almighty, has not entitled this white hair (i.e. his beard) (to the Ima`mate) and entitled this young man (to it) and placed him where He has placed him, then how can I deny his outstanding merit? I seek refuge in Allah from what you have said; rather I am his servant. "

202. 'Ali Bin Hadïd

b. Hakïm al-Mada'ini, al-Azdi, al-Sa`ba`ti. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. 1 Al-Barqi regarded him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida` and al-Jawa`d, peace be on them. Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Abu` 'Ali b. Ra`shid, on the authority of Abu` Ja'far, peace be on him, that Abu` 'Ali said to the Ima`m:

"May I be your ransom, our companions have differed in opinion, so shall I pray behind the followers of Hisham b. al-Hakam?" "Cling to 'Ali b. Haddïd," replied the Ima`m, peace be on him. "Shall I follow his opinion?" I (i.e. 'Ali b. Haddïd) asked him. "Yes," he answered. I met 'Ali b. Haddïd and asked him: "Shall I pray behind the followers of Hisha`m b. al-Hakam?" "No," he replied.
This narration, if correct, is evidence for that the man (i.e. 'Ali b. Haddï~d) is trustworthy and praiseworthy.

203. 'Ali Bin al-Husayn

b. Rubat al-Bujayli al-Kufi. He is trustworthy and reliable. He was one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He has a book.

204. 'Ali Bin al-Husayn

b. Yahya`. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

205. 'Ali Bin Sa'ïd al-Mada'ini

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

206. 'Ali Bin Swayd al-Sa'i

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and added that he was trustworthy. Al-Kashi narrated that 'Ali b. Swayd wrote a letter to Ima`m al-Ka`zim when he was in prison, and that he asked him about his state and the answers to some questions. The Ima`m answered him in a letter in which he mentioned: "In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise belongs to Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, Who through whose mightiness and light makes the hearts of the believers see, through whose mightiness and light the ignorant show enmity toward Him, and through whose mightiness nearness to Him is sought with different deeds and various religions, hence (men) are: right and wrong, errant and rightly-guided, hearing and deaf, seeing and blind, and perplexed.

So praise belongs to Allah who made known and described His religion through Mohammed, may Allah bless him and his family. Now then, you are the man whom Allah has endowed with special position with the family of Mohammed, may Allah bless him and his family, showing affection toward you when He inspired you with your reason, made you perceive the affairs of your religion through their outstanding qualities, made you refer to them regarding your affairs, and made you content with what they said."

In another part of this letter, the Ima`m has mentioned: "Summon to the path of your Lord through us him whose response you expect. You do not encompass what we do. Show friendship toward Mohammed's Household. If something reaches you from us and is attributed to us, do not say: 'This is false', even though you know something other than it, for you do not know why we have said it and in which point we have described it. Belive in what I have told you and do not reveal what I have asked you to conceal. I want to tell you that the most obligatory right of your brother against you is that you should not hide from him what benefits him in this world and the next. "

This letter contains important points and is evidence for the exalted position of 'Ali (b. Swayd) and his great rank with the Ima`m, peace be on him.

207. 'Ali Bin Sayf

b. 'Umayra al-Nakha'i al-Ku`fi. He was a retainer and was trustworthy. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He has a big book.

208. 'Ali Bin Sa'id al-Barbari

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and his son al-Hasan reported on his authority.

209. 'Ali Bin 'Abd Allah

b. 'Umra`n. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Sa'd b. al-Sindi reported on his authority.

210. 'Ali Bin 'Ubayd Allah

b. al-Husayn b. 'Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on him. His kunya Abu` al-Hasan. He was the most ascetic of the family of Abu` Ta`lib and the most worshipful of them in his time. He devoted himself to Ima`m Mu`sa` (al-Ka`zim) and Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He mixed with the Ima`mi (Shï'ites). When Mohammed b. Ibrahïm b. Taba`taba` wanted Abu al-Saraya` to pledge allegiance to him after him, he refused that and entrusted the matter to Mohammed b. Mohammed b. Yazïd. He has a book on the hajj. He narrated the whole book on the authority of Ima`m Mu`sa` b. Ja'far, peace be on him.

Al-Kashi narrated, saying: [In the book of Mohammed b. al-Husayn b. Banda`r, in his own handwriting, I have read:] "Mohammed b. Yahya` al-'Atta`r related to me. He said: Ahmed b. Mohammed b. 'Isa reported to me on the authority of 'Ali b. al-Hakam, on the
authority of Sulayma`n b. Ja'far, who said: 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah b. al-Husayn b. 'Ali b. al-Husayn b. 'Ali b. Abu` Ta`lib, peace be on him, said to me: 'I (i.e. 'Ali Bin 'Ubayd Allah) would like to go in to Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida` in order to greet him.' I (i.e. Sulayma`n b. Ja'far) asked him: 'What has prevented you from that?' 'Because I magnify and respect him and fear for him.'"

He (Sulayma`n b. Ja'far) said: "Abu` al-Hasan (al-Rida`), peace be on him, became slightly sick, and the people visited him. I met 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah and said to him: 'What you want has come to you; Abu` al-Hasan, peace be on him, has fallen slightly ill, and the people visited him. If you want to visit him, then come today.'"

He (Sulayma`n b. Ja'far) said: " He came to Abu` al-Hasan (al-Rida`), peace be on him, in order to visit him. Abu` al-Hasan received him with honor and magnification, so 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah was very pleased with that. Then 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah became ill, hence Abu` al-Hasan (al-Rida`), peace be on him, visited him. I was with him. He sat until those who were in the house went out. When we went out, a female slave of mine told me that Umm Sala`m, 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah's wife, was behind the curtain and looking at him (al-Rida`). When Abu` al-Hasan, peace be on him, went out, she went out, stooped to the place in which he sat, kissed it and rubbed (her face) with it."

Sulayma`n (b. Ja'far) said: "Then I went in to 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah and he told about what Umm Salama had done. I told Abu` al-Hasan (al-Rida`), peace be on him, (about that), and he said: 'Sulayma`n, 'Ali b. 'Ubayd Allah, his wife, and his children are of the people of the Garden. Sulayma`n, the children of 'Ali and Fa`tima are not like the rest of the people because Allah has singled them out for this matter (i.e. the Ima`mate). "

211. 'Ali Bin 'Uthman

b. Razïn. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

212. 'Ali Bin 'Ali Bin Razïn al-Khaza'i

He was Di'bil's brother. He has a big book on Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. Isma`'ï~l narrated on the authority of his father 'Ali, saying: [My father related to me in the year 272 A. H., saying:] "Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him, reported to us at Tu`s in the year 198 A. H. We headed for him via Basrah. When we entered Basrah, we found wherein 'Abd al-Rahma`n b. al-Mahdi ill, hence we stayed for some days.

Then 'Abd al-Rahma`n died, and we attended his funeral and prayed over him. My brother Di'bil and I went in to al-Rida`, peace be on him, and stayed with him to the end of the year 200 A. H. Then we went out to Qum. That was after al-Rida` had given my brother Di'bil a green, silk shirt, a ring whose stone was agate, and Radawi dirhams. Then he said to him: 'Di'bil, pass through Qum, for you will make use of it.' And he said to him: 'Keep this shirt, for I wore it and prayed one thousand ruk'as in one thousand nights and completed reading the Qur'a`n one thousand times.'"

Isma`'ïl said: "My father was born in the year 172 A. H. He died in the year 283 A. H. So his age was then 111 years. My uncle Di'bil was born in the year 148 A. H. That was during the caliphate of al-Mansu`r. He saw Ima`m Mu`sa` (al-Ka`zim), peace be on him, and met Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He died in the year 245 A. H. during the days of al-Mutawakkil. "

213. 'Ali Bin al-Fadl al-Wasiti

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Ka`zim, peace be on him. Al-Sadu`q described him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

214. 'Ali Bin Mahdi

b. Sadaqa al-Raqqi. His kunya is Abu` al-Hasan. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on
him.1 He narrated on his authority. Al-Naja`shi said: "He has a book on al-Rida`, peace be on him."

215. 'Ali Bin Mahzyar al-Ahwazi

His kunya was Abu` al-Hasan. He was originally from Dawraq. He was one of the leading scholars and among the great jurists. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ima`m Abu` Ja'far al-Jawa`d, peace be on him. He devoted himself to him (Abu` Ja'far al-Jawa`d) and was his agent. He also devoted himself to Ima`m al-Ha`di, peace be on him, and was his agent. He was among the pious, worshipful people. The narrators said: "When the sun rose, he prostrated himself in prayer and did not raise his head until he prayed for a thousand of his brothers. There was a callus in his forehead like that of the camel."

Ima`m al-Jawad's Letter to him

Ima`m Abu` Ja'far al-Jawa`d sent him several letters in which he praised, admired, and respected him. The following are some of them:

A. Ima`m al-Jawa`d sent him this letter: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 'Ali, may Allah reward you well, make you live in the Garden, protect you from disgrace in this world and the next, and muster you with us! 'Ali, I tried and tested you in advice, obedience, service, respect, and carrying out your religious duties. I hope that I am truthful (when I say that) I have seen none like you. May Allah reward you the gardens of Paradise! It is not hidden from me that you worked and served during cold and heat, day and night. I ask Allah to endow you with mercy with which you are pleased when he will muster the creatures on the Resurrection Day! Verily, He hears supplication! "

In this letter the Ima`m lauded and praised the position of this righteous scholar, who was at the top of reverential fear, righteousness, and showing friendship toward the Ima`ms of guidance, peace be on them.

B. This is one of the letters which the Ima`m sent to him: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I ask Allah to protect you from before you and behind you and in all your states! Be delighted, for I hope that Allah will drive away (evil) from you! I ask Allah to place good in your departure which you will carry out on Sunday! Delay that to Monday, Allah willing! May Allah accompany you throughout your travel, replace you among your family, pay your trust on your behalf, and save you by His power! "

C. Ima`m al-Jawa`d, peace be on him, also sent him this letter: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I have received your letter and understood what you have mentioned in it. Your letter have pleased me, may Allah please you! I hope that (Allah) the All-sufficient, the Repeller, will spare you the trickery of every schemer, Allah, the Exalted, willing! "
These are some of the letters which Ima`m al-Jawa`d, peace be on him, sent to him. The letters indicate 'Ali b. Mahzya`r's exalted position and great importance with the Ima`m, peace be on him.

His Works

'Ali b. Mahzya`r wrote a group of books most of which was on Islamic Jurisprudence. The following are some of them:
1. Kitab al- Wudu`' (the Book of Ablution).
2. Kitab al-Sala`t (the Book of Prayer).
3. Kitab al-Zaka`t (the Book of Alms).
4. Kitab al-Sawm (the Book of Fasting).
5. Kitab al-Hajj (the Book of Pilgrimage).
6. Kitab al-Tala`q(the Book of Divorce).
7. Kitab al-Hudu`d (the Book of Islamic Punishments).
8. Kitab al-Diya`t (the Book of Blood Money).
9. Kitab al-Tafsïr (the Book of Interpretation of the Qur'a`n).
10. Kitab al-Fada`'il (the Book of Great Merits).
11. Kitab al-'Itiq wa al-Taddbïr (the Book of Manumission and Direction).
12. Kitab al-Tijarat wa al-Ijarat (the Book of Trades and Wages).
13. Kitab al-Maka`sib (the Book of Earnings).
14. Kitab al-Mathalib(the Book of Defects).
15. Kitab al-Du'a`' (the Book of Supplication).
16. Kitab al-Tajjmïl wa al-Muru'a (the Book of Beautifying and Manhood).
17. Kitab al-Maza`r (the Book of Visitations).
18. Kitab al-Radd 'la` al-Ghula`t (the Book of the Answers to the Extremists).
19. Kita`b al-Wasa`ya` (the Book of Wills).
20. Kita`b al-Mawa`rï~th (the Book of Inheritances).
21. Kita`b al-Khums (the Book of One-Fifth).
22. Kita`b al-Shaha`da`t (the Book of Testimonies).
23. Kita`b Fada`'il al-Mu'minï~n wa Birahum (the Book of Excellences and Kindness of Believers).
24. Kita`b al-Mala`him (the Book of Bloody Fights).
25. Kita`b al-Taqiya` (the Book of Precautionary Dissimulation).
26. Kita`b al-Sayd wa al-Dhaba`'ih (the Book of Hunting and Slaughtering).
27. Kita`b al-Zuhd (the Book of Asceticism).
28. Kita`b al-Ashriba (the Book of Beverages).
29. Kita`b al-Nudhu`r wa al-Ayma`n wa al-Kuffa`ra`t (the Book of Vows, Oaths, and Expiatory Gifts).
30. Kita`b al-Huru`f (the Book of the Letters).
31. Kita`b al-Qa`'im (the Book of al-Qa`'im).
32. Kita`b al-Bisha`ra`t (the Book of Good News).
33. Kita`b al-Anbiya`' (the Book of the Prophets). 34. Kita`b al-Nawa`dir (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions).

216. 'Ali Bin Yahya

His kunya is Abu` al-Husayn. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

217. 'Ali Bin Yunus Bin Behman

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

218. 'Ammar Bin Yazïd

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. Al-Hasan and al-Husayn, the two sons of Sa'ï~d, narrated on his authority.

219. 'Amr Bin Zuhayr al-Jazzri

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

220. 'Amr Bin Fura`t al-Ka`tib, al-Baghda`di

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and added that he was active.6 It has been mentioned in some books that he was the doorkeeper of the Ima`m.

221. 'Amr Bin Sa'ïd al-Mada'ini

He is trustworthy. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He has a book. A group (of traditionalists) narrated the book.

222. Isa Bin 'Uthman

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and added that he was unknown.

223. Isa Bin Isa al-Kalami

He was the retainer of the Banu (children) of 'Amir. He was from Kufa and was a Wa`qifi. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

224. 'Ubays Bin 'Uthman

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of the Ima`m (al-Rida`), peace be on him, and added that he was unknown.

225. Fudalah Bin Ayyub

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and added that he was an Azdi Arab.4 Al-Naja`shi said: "He narrated on the authority of Ima`m Mu`sa` b. Ja'far, peace be on him, and was trustworthy in his tradition and righteous in his religion. He has Kita`b al-Sala`t (the Book of Prayer)."

226. Al-Fadl Bin Sinan al-Nisaburi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and added that he was the representative of the Ima`m.

227. Al-Fadl Bin Sahl

Dhu al-Riya`satayn. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida, peace be on him. 1 He was the mortal enemy of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He and his brother urged al-Ma'mu`n to kill the Ima`m, peace be on him.Concerning al-Fadl and his brother al-Hasan the poet has said:
When my wife saw me tying my mount after untying (it),
she said: Do the mounts depart after al-Fadl? So I said:
Yes, to al-Hasan b. Sahl.

228. Al-Qasim Bin Asbat

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and added that he was unknown.

229. Al-Qasim Bin Fudayl

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ibn Abu` 'Umayr reported on his authority.

230. Al-Qasim Bin Yahya

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. 5 He has a book on the manners of Ima`m ('Ali) the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him.

231. Muhsin Bin Ahmed al-Qaysi

He was one of the retainers of Qays Ghayla`n and was among the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He has a book.

232. Mohammed Bin Abu Jarïr al-Qummi

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. 'Ali al-Ju'fi reported on his authority.

233. Mohammed Bin Abu 'Abbad

He was famous for listening to singing and drinking wine. He asked Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, about listening (to singing), and he, peace be on him, replied: "The people of al-Hija`z has an opinion of it, and it is in the field of the invalid and amusement. Have you not heard Allah, the Exalted, say: and when they pass by what is vain, they pass by nobly. "

234. Mohammed Bin Abu 'Umayr al-Azdi

His kunya was Abu` Ahmed. He was one of the retainers of al-Muhallab b. Abu` Safra. He was originally from Baghdad and lived in it. He met Ima`m Abu` al-Hasan Mu`sa`, peace be on him, and heard from him some traditions in some of which the Ima`m gave him the kunya of Abu` Ahmed. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He was of great importance and had an exalted position with the Shï'ites and the Sunnis. Al-Ja`hiz has mentioned him in his book al-Bayan wa al-Tabbïn, saying:

"He was one of the prominent Rafidites (i.e. the Shï'ites)." He was imprisoned during the days of (Ha`ru`n) al-Rashïd. It was said that he (was imprisoned because he refused) to undertake the judiciary or to show (the authorities) the places of the Shï'ites and the followers of Imam Musa b. Ja'far, peace be on him.

Al-Kashi narrated on the authority of al-Fadl b. Sha`dha`n, who said: "I entered Iraq and saw someone admonish his friend, saying: 'You have a family and they are in need of your earning. I think that you will be blind because of your long prostration in prayer.' When he said this (statement) many times, he said to him: 'Woe unto you! You have said that several times! If someone became blind out of prostration, then Ibn Abu` 'Umayr would be blind. What is your view of a man who prostrated after the dawn prayer and did not raise his head until the sun came near to descending (from its midday zenith)?'"

Al-Fadl said: "One day my father (shaykh) took me hand and took me to Ibn Abu` 'Umayr. We went to him in a room. There were shaykhs around him, and they magnified and honored him, so I (al-Fadl) asked: 'Who is that (man)?' 'That is Ibn Abu` 'Umayr,' replied me father. 'Is he the righteous, worshipful man?' I asked. 'Yes,' he replied."

Al-Fadl narrated, saying: "Ha`ru`n (al-Rashï~d) ordered Ibn Abu` 'Umayr to be whipped one hundred and twenty times. It was al-Sindi b. Sha`hik who whipped him and imprisoned him, for he was a Shï'ite. Ibn Abu` 'Umayr gave (al-Sindi) one hundred and twenty thousand dirhams, and he released him. 'Was he rich?' I asked. 'Yes,' he answered, 'perhaps he gave him five hundred thousand dirhams. "

Mohammed b. Abu` 'Umayr wrote many books. Ibn Batta mentioned that he compiled ninety-four books of which are the following:

A. Kita`b al-Nawa`dir (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions). It is a big, good book.
B. Kita`b al-Istita`'a wa al-Af'a`l wa al-Radd 'ala` Ahl al- Qadar wa al-Jabr (the Book of
Capability, Actions, and Answers to the Fatalists).
C. Kita`b al-Ima`ma (the Book of the Ima`mate).
D. Kita`b al-Bida`' (the Book of Change in an Earlier Divine Ruling).
E. Kita`b al-Mutt'a (the Book of Fixed-Term Marriage).
F. Musa`'ala lil-Ima`m al-Rida` (the Book of Questions by Ima`m al-Rida`). 2
May Allah have mercy on Mohammed b. Abu` 'Umayr, for he was among the leading Shï'ites and defended them.

235. Mohammed Bin Ahmed

b. Ghayla`n. He was from Ku`fa and was a retainer. He is trustworthy. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

236. Mohammed Bin Ishaq al-Kufi

b. 'Amma`r al-Sayrafi. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.1 Al-Kulayni narrated on the authority of Mohammed b. Isha`q, who said: "I (i.e. Mohammed b. Isha`q) asked Abu` al-Hasan, the first: 'Do you not lead me to him from whom I will learn my religion?' 'This is me son 'Ali, he replied, 'my father took me by the hand and made me enter the grave of Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, and said: 'My little son, Allah, the Great and Almighty, fulfills his words. "
Al-Shaykh al-Mufï~d regarded Mohammed b. Isha`q as one of the close companions of Ima`m al-Ka`zim, peace be on him, among his trustworthy followers, and among his Shï~'ites who had piety, knowledge, and jurisprudence.

237. Mohammed Bin Ishaq

Shaykh al-Tu`si regarded him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Yazï~d b. Isha`q (Mohammed Bin Isha`q's brother), the most exalted of the people in this matter, who said: "One time, my brother Mohammed disputed with me, and he was believing. When the speech between him and me took a long time, I said to him: 'If you leader (sahib) is in such a position about which you talk, then let him pray to Allah for me, that I may return to your creed.'"

He (Yazïd b. Isha`q) said: [Mohammed said to me:] "So I went in to al-Rida`, peace be on him, and said to him: 'May I be your ransom, I have a brother younger than me and he says: 'By your father's life.' I often debates with him, so he said to me one day: 'If your leader is in such a position which you have mentioned, then ask him to supplicate to Allah for me, that I may follow your creed.' I would like you to pray to Allah for him.'"

He (Mohammed b. Isha`q) said: "Abu` al-Hasan (al-Rida`), peace be on him, turned toward the qibla and mentioned what Allah willed him to mention, and then he said: 'Take his hearing, his seeing, and the whole his heart until You return him to the True Religion.' He said that while he was raising his right hand."

He (Yazïd b. Isha`q) said: "When he (Mohammed) returned, he told me about what had happened. By Allah, shortly after that, I believed in the True Religion. "

238. Mohammed Bin Aslam

al-Tabari, al-Jabali. He was originally from Ku`fa. He traded with Tabrista`n. It is said: "He was an extremist with corrupt traditions." He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

239. Mohammed Bin Aslam al-Tu`si

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He was one of those who narrated the tradition better known as al-Silsila al-Dhahabiya (the Golden Chain).

240. Mohammed Bin Isma'ïl Bin Buzaygh'

He was the retainer of Abu Ja'far al-Mansur and was among the righteous, trustworthy Shï'ites. 4 Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, said to him: "Surely, Allah is at the doors of the unjust. Allah enlightens proof for (some people) and makes them powerful in the country in order that He may, through them, repel (evil) from His friends and set right the affairs of the Muslims. The believer seeks refuge in them from tribulation, to them flee the possessors of needs from among our Shï'ites, and through them Allah drives away fear from the believer in the land of the oppressive. They are entrusted by Allah over His earth.

It is they in whose desire there will be light on the Day of Resurrection, and their light shines towards the inhabitants of the heavens just as pearls shine towards the people of the earth. It is they through whose light the Day of Resurrection will be shinning. By Allah, they have been created for the Garden, and the Garden has been created for them. I congratulate them (on that). If any of you wishes, he will attain all of this."

Mohammed asked him, saying: "Through what, may Allah make me your ransom?"
He, peace be on him, replied: "He is with them, namely with the oppressive government. Therefore, he pleases us through pleasing the believers from among our Shï~'ites, so be one of them, Mohammed."

Al-Husayn b. Kha`lid al-Sayrafi reported, saying: "We were with Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and we were a group (of men). Mohammed b. Isma`'ï~l b. Buzaygh was mentioned, and the Ima`m, peace be on him, said to his companions: 'I would like that there is the like of him among you. '"

He (i.e. Mohammed b. Isma'ïl) compiled a group of books of which are the following:

A. Kita`b Thawa`b al-Hajj (the Book of Reward of Pilgrimage).
B. Kita`b al-Hajj (the Book of Pilgrimage).
He asked Ima`m al-Jawad, peace be on him, to order one of his shirts to be brought to him, that he might use it as a shroud for him. The Ima`m sent him a shirt. Then Mohammed asked the Ima`m: "What shall I do with the shirt?" "Remove its buttons," replied the Imam."

241. Mohammed Bin Orma al-Qummi

His Kunya was Abu` Ja'far. The Qummis accused him of extremism and sent someone to kill him. When they saw that he prayed, they refrained from (killing) him. Ibn al-Ghada`'iri said: "His tradition is pure; there is no corruption in it. I did not find any of the things ascribed to him make soul confuse except some pages on explaining the essence (batin), which does not befit his traditions. I think that these (pages) were fabricated against him, and I have seen a letter written to al-Qumays by Abu` al-Hasan b. Mohammed, peace be on him, regarding his being innocent of defamation."

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. He (Mohammed b. Orma) wrote a large group of books, and his books are correct, except a book attributed to him on explaining the essence (batin), for it is confused.

242. Mohammed Bin Bahr

He was the brother of Mughlis. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

243. Mohammed Bin Judha'a al-Farisi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

244. Mohammed Bin Ja'far al-'Anbi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

245. Mohammed Bin Ja'far al-Muqna'i

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

246. Mohammed Bin Jumhur

Al-Najashi said: " The traditions of Mohammed b. Jumhu`r al-Qummi are weak and his creed is corrupt. Something was said concerning him and none knew how big they were except Allah. He reported on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. He has books of which are: Kitab al-Malahim al-Kabïr (the Big Book of Bloody Fights), Kitab Nawadir al-Hajj (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions on Pilgrimage), Kitab Adab al-'Ilm (the Book of Rules of Science)."
Ibn al-Ghada`'iri said: "He (Mohammed b. Jumhu`r) is an extremist, and his traditions are corrupt. He did not write his traditions. I have seen some of his poetry in which he has made lawful what Allah, the Great and Almighty, had made unlawful2"

247. Mohammed Bin al-Husayn

b. Ziya`d al-Maythami al-Asadi. He was their (the Ima`ms') retainer. His kunya is Abu` Ja'far. He is a trustworthy, prominent person. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him. He has a book.

248. Mohammed Bin al-Husayn

b. Yazïd. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him, and 'Ali b. Asba`t reported on his authority

249. Mohammed Bin Hamza.

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

250. Mohammed Bin Kha`lid al-Barqi

Shaykh al-Tusi regarded him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. 1 His traditions are weak. He was a writer and had good knowledge of traditions and the sciences of the Arabs. He has books of which are: Kitab al-Tanzïl wa al-Ta'bïr (the Book of Revelation and Expression), Kitab Yawm wa Layla (the Book of one Day and Night), Kitab al-Tafsïr (the Book of Interpretation), Kita`b Mecca wa al-Medina (the Book of Mecca and Medina), Kitab Hurub al-Aws wa al-Khazrajj (the Book of the Fights of al-Aws and al-Khazrajj), Kitab fi 'Ilm al-Bari (the Book on the Knowledge of the Creator), and Kitab al-Khutab (the Book of Orations).

251. Mohammed Bin al-Khatïb al-Ahwa`zi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

252. Mohammed Bin Rashid

He was a door to Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

253. Mohammed Bin Zayd al-Razimi

He was the servant of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

254. Mohammed Bin Zayd al-Tabari

He was originally from Kufa. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida, peace be on him. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. al-Muthanna and Maruk b. 'Ubayd reported on his authority.

256. Mohammed Bin Sa`lim al-Qummi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

256. Mohammed Bin Sulayman al-Daylami

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

257. Mohammed Bin Samma'a al-Sayrafi

He was from Kufa. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. 3 He was trustworthy and was one of the Shï'ite prominent figures. He has the following books:

A. Kitab al-Wudu' (the Book of Ablution).
B. Kitab al-Hayd (the Book of Regular Menstrual Bleeding).
C. Kitab al-Salat (the Book of Prayer).
D. Kitab al-Hajj (the Book of the Hajj).

258. Mohammed Bin Sinan al-Zahiri

His kunya was Abu Ja'far. He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. He is a very weak traditionalist. None relies on him and pays attention to the traditions which only he has mentioned. Mohammed b. Isa reported, saying: "I was with Safwa`n b. Yahya` in a house in Kufa`. Mohammed b. Sina`n went in to us and Safwa`n said: 'Surely this (Mohammed) b. Sina`n was about to be confused more than one time. We related to him until he followed us.'" This is evidence for that he had confusion and then he became free from it. He compiled books of which are the following:

A. Kitab al-Tara'if (the Book of Jokes).
B. Kita`b al-Azilla (the Book of Shade).
C. Kita`b al-Maka`sib (the Book of Earnings).
D. Kita`b al-Hajj (the Book of Pilgrimage).
E. Kita`b al-Sayd wa al-Dhaba`'ih (the Book of Hunting and Slaughtering).
F. Kita`b al-Shira``' wa al-Bay' (the Book of Buying and Selling).
G. Kita`b al-Wasiya (the Book of Will).
H. Kita`b al-Nawa`dir (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions).

He died in the year 226 A. H. 1 Al-Sayyid al-Khu`'i regarded him as trustworthy and said: "He was one of the followers and among those who believed in Allah through following the Household of His Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. Therefore, he is praiseworthy. Though it has been established that he had some confusion (in his traditions), he removed it, and the Infallible (Ima`m), peace be on him, was content with him. For this reason Shaykh al-Tu`si regarded him as praiseworthy with good method.

259. Mohammed Bin Sahl al-Ash'ari

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and on the authority of a group (of traditionalists), and a group (of traditionalists) reported on his authority.

260. Mohammed Bin Sahl al-Bujayli, al-Ra`zi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

261. Mohammed Bin Sahl

b. al-Yasa' al-Ash'ari, al-Qummi. He narrated on the authority
of Ima`m al-Rida, peace be on him, and Imam Abu Ja'far al-Jawad. He has a book.

262. Mohammed Bin Sadaqa

al-'Anbari, al-Basri. His kunya is Abu` Ja'far. He narrated on the authority of Imam Abu al-Hasan Musa and Imam al-Rida, peace be on them. He Has a book on Ima`m Musa Bin Ja'far, peace be on him.

263. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Saqïl al-Azdi

Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

264. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Ash'ari

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

265. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Saqïl

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him.

266. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah

b. 'Amru` b. Sa`lim al-Saffa`r. He has a big classified book like the book of al-Halabi. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

267. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah

b. Isa al-Ash'ari, al-Qummi. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

268. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Khurasani

He was the servant of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and reported on his authority.

269. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Tahiri

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

270. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Tahuri

Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

271. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Qummi

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. Mohammed b. Abu` Nasr reported on his authority.

272. Mohammed Bin 'Abd Allah al-Mada'ini

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

273. Mohammed Bin 'Ubayd

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and 'Ali b. Sayf reported on his authority

274. Mohammed Bin 'Ubayd Allah al-Hamadani

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him.

275. Mohammed Bin 'Ubayd Allah

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. Mohammed b. Abu` Nasr reported on his authority.

276. Mohammed Bin 'Ubayda

He narrated on the authority of Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and Ibrahïm b. Mohammed al-Hamada`ni reported on his authority.

277. Mohammed Bin 'Arafa

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

278. Mohammed Bin 'Ali Bin Ja'far

Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

279. Mohammed Bin 'Ali

b. al-Husayn b. Zayd b. al-Husayn, peace be on him. He has a
book which he narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

280. Mohammed Bin 'Ali al-Hamadani

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ibra`hï~m b. Ha`shim and a group (of traditionalists) reported on his authority.

281. Mohammed Bin 'Ammar

b. al-Ash'ath al-Hindi. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

282. Mohammed Bin 'Ammara

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Sa'd b. Sa'ï~d reported on his authority.

283. Mohammed Bin 'Umar Bin Zayd

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. al-Jahm reported on his authority.

284. Mohammed Bin 'Umar

b. Yazï~d, Bayya`' al-Sa`biri (the Seller of Fine Cloth). Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

285. Mohammed Bin 'Umar al-Sabati

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. Abu` Nasr reported on his authority.

286. Mohammed Bin 'Umar al-Kanasi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

287. Mohammed Bin 'Umar al-Zayyat

b. Sa'd. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. His book is reliable.

288. Mohammed Bin Isa Bin Yaqtïn

He was the retainer of Asad b. Khuzayma. His kunya is Abu` Ja'far. He is with great importance in the view of the Shï'ites. He is trustworthy and prominent figure. He narrated many traditions and wrote good books. 3Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. 4 He compiled a group of books of which are the following:

A. Kita`b al-Ima`ma (the Book of the Ima`mate).
B. Kita`b al-Wa`dih al-Makkshu`f fi al-Radd 'ala` Ahl al-Waqf (the Book of the Clear, Open Answer to the Wa`qifites).
C. Kita`b al-Ma'rifa (the Book of Knowledge).
D. Kita`b Bu'd al-Isna`d (the Book of the Distant Chain of Authorities).
E. Kita`b Qurb al-Isna`d (the Book of the Close Chain of Authorities).
F. Kita`b al-Wasa`ya` (the Book of Wills).
G. Kita`b al-Lu'lu' (the Book of Pearls).
H. Kita`b al-Masa`'il al-Muharrama (the Book of Unlawful Matters).
I. Kita`b al-Diya`' (the Book of Light).
J. Kita`b al-Dara`'if (the Book of Jokes).
K. Kita`b al-Tajjmï~l wa al-Muru`'a (the Book of Beautifying and Manhood).
L. Kita`b al-Fayya' wa al-Khums (the Book of Booty and One-Fifth).
M. Kita`b al-Rija`l (the Book of Men).
N. Kita`b al-Zaka`t (the Book of Alms).
O. Kita`b Thawa`b al-A'ma`l (the Book of Reward of Deeds).
P. Kita`b al-Nawa`dir (the Book of MiscellaneousTraditions).

289. Mohammed Bin 'Isa al-Qummi

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m Abu` al-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him, and Maru`k b. 'Ubayd reported on his authority.

290. Mohammed Bin Furat al-Ju'fi

He is a liar and deviated from the Truth. He lied to Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and he (Ima`m al-Rida`) complained of him to Yu`nus, saying: "Yu`nus, do you not know that Mohammed b. Fura`t lies to me?" "May Allah drive him away and make him miserable!" said Yu`nus. The Ima`m, peace be on him, said: "Allah has done that toward him. May Allah make him taste the heat of the iron as He made those before him who lied to us taste (the heat of the iron). Yu`nus, I said that (bout him) that you may warn my companions against him, order them to curse and renounce him, for Allah has renounced him. "

'Ali b. Isma'ïl al-Maythami narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, who said: "Mohammed b. Furat hurt me; may Allah hurt him and let him taste the heat of the iron! He hurt me; may Allah hurt him! Abu` al-Khattab, may Allah curse him, did not hurt Mohammed b. Ja'far, peace be on him, as Mohammed b. Furat hurt me. No Khata`bi lied to us as Mohammed b. Furat did. By Allah, Allah makes him who lies to us taste the heat of the iron.
Shortly after this supplication of the Ima`m, Mohammed b. Fura`t was killed by Ibra`hï~m b. Shakkla.

291. Mohammed Bin al-Farajj al-Rakhji

He is trustworthy. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him. 2 He showed strong friendship toward the Ima`ms of guidance, peace be on him, and had firm links with them. He exchanged letters with. Al-Kashi has mentioned the letters in his (Mohammed's) biography.

292. Mohammed Bin al-Fadl al-Azdi

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

293. Mohammed Bin al-Fadl Bin 'Umar

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

294. Mohammed Bin al-Fudayl al-Sayrafi

He is accused of extremism. He has a book. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

295. Mohammed Bin al-Fayd al-Mada'ini

He was the retainer of 'Umar b. al-Khatta`b. Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

296. Mohammed Bin al-Qa`sim Bin al-Fudayl

He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Ka`zim and Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and a group (of traditionalists) reported on his authority.

297. Mohammed Bin al-Qa`sim Bin al-Fudayl

b. Yasa`r. He narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, and al-Barqi reported on his authority.

298. Mohammed Bin al-Qasim al-Bushinja`ni

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

299. Mohammed Bin Ka'ab al-Qurti

It was he who saw Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, in sleep and he said to him: "Mohammed, are pleased with what you do toward my children in this word?" "If I leave them, then what shall I do?" asked Mohammed. "Without doubt, I will reward you in the final result," declared the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. "There was a plate of Sayha`ni dates before. I asked him to give me some dates, and he gave me a handful in which there was eighteen dates. I thought that I would live eighteen years. Then I forgot this dream. One day I saw a crowd of people. I asked them about that, and they said: 'Ali b. Mu`sa` al-Rida` has come. I saw him sitting in that place and there was before him a plate of Sayha`ni dates. I asked him to give me some dates, and he gave me a handful in which there was eighteen dates, so I said to him: 'Increase me in dates.' 'If my grandfather had increased you, I would have increased you,' he said. "

300. Mohammed Bin Kulayb al-Ash'ari

Shaykh al-Tu`si numbered him as one of the companions of Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him.

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