
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

The Holy Shrine of the Lady Ma'sooma (AS)

The Holy Shrine of the Lady Ma'sooma (AS)


The population of Qom built a hut over the shrine of the Lady Ma'sooma “a.s.” using the strawmat, and after 50 years, and by the attention of the Lady Zainab the daughter of Imam Al-Jawaad “a.s.” the first dome was built over the holy grave of the Lady Ma'sooma, then the holy shrine was rebuilt by the lovers and the followers of Ahlil-Baiyet “a.s.”, then it was expanded till it became, in its present form.
Many years after Fatima Al- Ma'sooma’s death, many daughters of the Imams were buried close to the holy shrine of Al- Ma'sooma “a.s.”, which increased the importance of this clean and blessed ground.

The blooming shrine of the Lady Fatima al-Ma'sooma was a shelter of the Shia's throughout the history, and the bringer of the benefit and blessings for Qom population.

How many of the needy whose purposes are achieved, and how many of the ill people were cured by the way of the daughter of Ahlil-Bayit’s and she will take with the hands of her visitors towards the coast of rescue, “O, Fatima intercede for us in the paradise….”. and it was narrated from Imam As-Sadiq “a.s.” that he said: “She truly enters all of our shiites into paradise by her intercession.”

Throughout the later centuries many great scholars had educated at the closeness and beseach of this blessed grave, those jurisprudents were the spring of good and blessings throughout the Islamic world, and from them was the great scholar Imam sayyid Rohul-Lah Al-Mussawi Al-Khumaini, while all of those see that their prosperity was due to visiting this holy shrine of the Lady Ma'sooma “a.s.”, so they started their important projects and activities at the nearness of this holy shrine of the Lady Ma'sooma “a.s.” and this is Imam Khumaini, who started his blessed revolution, from the close of this grave .

Today this holy shrine of the Lady Ma'sooma “a.s.” is illuminating like the bright gem in the center of Qom. Everyday Caravans come from various regions of Iran, and the world to visit this holy shrine, and to declare their loyalty and love towards the Prophet of Islam and his progeny.

Peace be upon her at the day of her birth, the day of her death, and the day on which, she will be resurrected alive.

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