
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Architecture and Building

Architecture and Building


The holy shrine of Abdul Azim (peace be upon him) like the other great and well known shrines initially consisted of a shrine building or the main part but gradually during centuries the other buildings and appendices were added and this vast-complex-consisting the shrines, mosques, and other relative works such as the two tombs of Imamzadeh Hamzeh (P) and Imamzadeh Taher (P) was created the main and first building of this shrine was reconstructed by Mohammad son of Zeid Daei Alavi in the mid third century in the northern side was first completed by Al-e-Booyeh then was decorated by Majd-ul-Molk-e-Qumi.
The low part of the shrine is a quadrilateral(square) with 8m each side and like other Saljuqian buildings four squinch(sloping barrel vault) are created on the four quoins(corners) forming octagon on the upper side the octagonal part by constructing small vaults a hexadecigon(then ahore sixteen sided) is made in order to create a cupola(dome) which makes the cupola covering(dressing) possible.(inside the shrine is decorated with mirror works).The golden cover of the shrine cupola consisting the ‘circular barrel vault and the upper cupola along with its high drummed conical shape body, has been modified by Shah Tahmasb-e-Safavid.

In Moharram(944 Hegira) Shah Tahmasb ordered the building of the first veranda(portico) of the shrine and later in the next Safavid's king's period, the main court yard and its northern Mosque, the veranda and Balasar Mosque, and the women Mosque in the north, west and of the shrine.

In Qajarid period(1211-1250 Hegira) the silver shrine of Hazrat-e-Abdul Azim was built of which part of epigraph is now installed in the original place in the present shrine which is made by Ostad Qulam Hussein-e Eglima and Haj Mohammad Saniea Khatam(1337 to1340 solar Hegira).

In the period between 1299 to1320(solar Hegira) during Qajarid era tiling decoration, mirror working providing and installing painting doors, inlaid works, raised works and reconstruction of the shrine, building the high minarets(spires), face decoration of the main court-yard and the other court yards of the shrine cupola with cupper tiles and the two high minarets were implemented in 1270(Hegira).

The oldest work found in the present building of the shrine is the brick over door which was made in Saljuqid eras by Majdul Molk Qumi(495-498 Hegira). considering the characteristics of the works in Saljuqid era we can conclude that the building of the tomb is even before the fifth century(Hegira) and probably it is built in a period between the fourth and the fifth century the old’ over door’ and portal of the tomb yard was in the north side as well as the present one.

The old ‘over door' (built in 945 Hegira) and the iron door(probably belongs to 5th century of Hegira) ,previously located in south west corner of Imamzadeh Hamzeh's court-yard, are the other mentionable historical work, The date of the building(945 Hegira) is written in''Solth''on the mosaic tile inscription in white color in a dark and blue ground and turquoise color forth frieze(margins) and also flowers and bushes and color full arabesque(Eslimi).

The building of the Bazaar, the new court-yard, the stalls and verandas around the new court-yard, the big mirror veranda and the two big shoe chamber around it . The Amin Sultan school building in the north east side of the court-yard, Jerian garden in the west of the shrine, Tooti garden in the west of the big court-yard and finally the tomb building and the big cupola(dome) of the Imamzadeh Taher(P) and the fundamental change in the shrine of Hazrat-e-Abdul Azim was completed in Qajarid era.

The Imamzadeh Hamzeh's tomb consisting the shrine is approximately the some size as Hazrat-e-Abdul Azim's holy shrine which is decorated with mirror works, silver tomb shrine(of Qajarid period) consists of the eastern big veranda and the Bala’sar Mosque in south west of lofty Abdul Azim's shrine) is seems to be built in Shah Tahmasb Safavid’s period.

The main part of this court-yard and the general view of it was built in Nasseredin Shah Qajar's era.

The building of Imamzadeh Taher(P) was built in Nasseredin Shah and Mozaffaredin Shah -e-Qajar's(1320 Lunar Hegira) era, under the command of Zellul Sultan and effort of Reza Qulikhan-e-Sarajollmolk.

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