
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Question Paper on Lesson 47

Question Paper on Lesson 47

 Question 1:       [10 points]

True or False:

(a)    Imam ‘Ali an-Naqi was born in 212 A.H.

(b)   Imam an-Naqi’s imamate coincided with the reign of six Umayyid caliphs.

(c)    Mutawakkil was the “Yazid” of the ‘Abbāsids.

(d)   Mutawakkil attempted to level the grave of Imam Husayn (a.s.) to the ground in 236 A.H.

(e)    Muntasir’s peaceful reign lasted for six years.

(f)     The later ‘Abbāsid caliphs were at the mercy of their Turkish troops.

(g)    ‘Abdul ‘Azim al-Hasani was not a reliable narrator of hadith.

(h)    Imam ‘Ali an-Naqi taught the ziyārat-e jāmi‘a to Musa bin ‘Abdullāh an-Nakha‘i.

(i)      The Imam was poisoned during the reign of Mu‘tazz bin Mutawakkil.

(j)     Imam an-Naqi is buried in Kazimayn.

 Question 2:       [20 points]

In his conversation with ‘Abdul ‘Azim, Imam ‘Ali an-Naqi (a.s.) talked about the ghaybat of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.). Explain in your own words the significance of this talk on the issue of Mahdism in Islam.

 Question 3:       [20 points]

List at least five qualities of the Imams of Ahlul Bayt mentioned in the Ziyārat-e Jāmi‘a.


[47] That is, the ‘Abbāsids who desend from ‘Abbās, the Prophet’s uncle.

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