
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

The Negative Aspect

The Negative Aspect

 Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, says: “Those who break their covenant with God...those who sever the relationship which Allah has ordered to be joined, and those who do mischief on the earth—they are the (real) losers.” (2:27) In another verse, after describing the same acts, He says: “...on them shall be the curse, and they shall have a terrible home (in the hereafter).” (13:25)

 On the basis of these verses, severing the ties with one's relatives is counted among the major sins in Islam.

 Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said, “I seek protection of Allah from the sins which hasten death.” Someone asked, “O' Amir al-mu'minin, is there any sin which hastens death?” The Imam said, “Yes; and this is the severance of relationship. Indeed, when the members of a family remain united and help each other, then Allah gives them livelihood, even if they be drinkers of liquor. And, indeed, when members of a family separate from each other and sever relationship with one another, then Allah deprives them (of their livelihood) even if they are pious.”

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