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Foreword To The Sixth Edition

Foreword To The Sixth Edition


  The present book is a series of lectures delivered at the Makerere University College, Kampala (Uganda) by eminent scholar and highly respected Chief Missionary of Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania, Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi.

 This edition has been revised by the author and is distributed to readers by his kind permission.

 The first edition of this book was published in 1967 by the Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaats of Africa, Mombasa (Kenya). Prior to that, it was published as a pamphlet in Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania), and as a booklet in Manchester (U.K.).

The unique aspect of this book is its intensive subject matter presented in a very lucid way that includes such important subject on Principles of Religion as tawhid or belief in

Divine Unity; `adl or Divine Justice; nubuwwah or Prophecy; imamah or the Imamate, belief in the Imams as successors of the Prophet; ma'ad or Resurrection.

 In view of this, World Organization for Islamic Services has translated this book into French, Italian, Indonesian, Burmese and Hawsa languages; and has distributed them to more than eighty countries of the world.

 Scholars and intellectuals striving for truth can greatly increase their knowledge by studying this book.

 We feel it necessary to extend our thanks and a deep sense of appreciation to the author for his efforts, and to Bilal Muslim Mission, the first publishers of this book.

  Lastly, we pray to the Almighty Allah, for the success and achievement of all people who search for the truth and strive for reality.


 (Board of Writing, Translation and Publication)

 1st July, 1977

13th Rajah, 1397

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