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Chapter 1 



     As of June, 1999, I will have lived five years in the United States of America.  Through this time, I have met many intellectual, educated individuals who have inspired me to introduce the beautiful religion of Islam to the masses through speeches, writings, and articles.  I also have had the honor of spending almost three years with our future generation, the youth, in Southern California and other parts of the United States.  The more time I spent discussing and debating aspects of Islam with them, the more I was convinced of the necessity to put the basic ideas of Islam on paper and introduce them to the ever-increasing number of youth who seek to discover the last revelation of Allah to mankind.  Through my work as a humble student and a preacher of Islam in the West, I realized that the Islamic centers and institutions have shortages and inefficiencies in the field of da'wah (the invitation to Islam).  Although many valuable works have been done in this field, the literature is still insufficient to attract all the different people to the simplicity and values that this message carries for humanity.  Therefore, I decided to contribute according to my ability to do my share in spreading the word of Allah, a duty incumbent upon all Muslims.  I hope Allah will accept this humble effort and count it for me on the Day when nothing will be of aid except good deeds.

  I would like to thank Sister Amina Inloes for her help in editing this work.

  May Allah continuously guide me and guide all the sincere brothers and sisters to His righteousness and piety.

  Moustafa al-Qazwini

May 6, 1999


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