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Besides du’a, tawakkul is also a very commen­dable and highly praised virtue. Tawakkul means "putting one's trust in somebody". Allah says, "And put your trust in Allah, and sufficient is Allah as the dispenser of the affairs.”(4.81)

 However, putting your‑trust in God should not become an excuse for idleness. The Prophet said,

 "Tawakkul means that you should bind the camel with a rope and then say that you have trust in Allah that He will protect your camel. You should not have confidence in the rope only, because many a camel is stolen. with the rope. But neither should you neglect the rope because binding with the rope is part of tawakkul."

 This is the spirit of tawakkul. We are to try our best and then we should have trust in God that He wilkmake our efforts succeed. It is a seer nonsense to sit idle and say that Allah will do all our work for us. He says in the Qur" an, "And man can have nothing but what he strives for."(53:39)

 The highest standard of tawakkul was set when Amiru'l‑mu'minin 'Ali asked some idle persons as to who they were. "We are those who put their trust in Allah;" came the reply. Imam'Ali asked, "How is your confidence in Allah" They said, "We eat when we get food, and we have' patience when we do not get it." Imam 'Ali retorted, "Yes, that is the very nature of dog." Stunned, they asked him to explain the true meaning of tawakkul. Imam'Ali said, "When we get, we give to others; when we do not get, we thank Allah." It means that we are to try‑our best to improve our condition. But we should not trust our own power and wisdom only You must have con­fidence in Allah that He will make your efforts fruitful. Then if you succeed, try to help your brethren with the fruits of your labour. And if you fail, then also be thankful to Allah.

 You may ask why should you thank Allah even when you do not succeed. Yes, you should thank Allah because success or failure is not your respon­sibility. You were expected to do your best and you did. Be thankful to Allah that you were able to perform what was expected of you. It is your efforts that matters. Success or failure is not your province. That is the‑ province of Allah. Have trust and con­fidence in Him that He will not let your efforts fail. But if He, in His wisdom, does not grant you success, thank Hire that still you were able to do your duty.


[1]. as‑Sadiq; op. cit., chp. 7, p. 59; al‑Majlisi, Biharu'l‑Anwar, vol. 5, p.110.

 [2]. as‑Saduq, op. cit., chap. 7, p. 59.

 [3]. al‑Majlisi, Biharu 'l‑Anwar, vol. 4, p.121.

 [4]. al‑Majlisi, Biharu 'l‑Anwar, vol 5,  p.147.

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