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Horrible Punishments

Horrible Punishments

Surely the Might of Your Lord is Great.

(Surah Al-Burūj 85:12)

 And in Surah Muzzammil, the Lord says,

 Surely with Us are heavy fetters and a flaming fire and food that chokes and a painful punishment.

(Surah Muzzammil 73:12-13)

 These Ayats describe the intensity of our Lord’s anger and the harshness of His punishment.

 As we have mentioned, Tawba is a sincere feeling of shame and remorse experienced by the heart. The more the grief and sorrow in the heart the nearer the repentant will be to Divine acceptance of Tawba. The greater the sin, the deeper should be the sorrow. A man who has sinned is like a man whose lifetime earnings are burnt away. This realization will create intense grief and restlessness which will enhance the effectiveness of his Tawba. Tawba is therefore compulsory for a sinner if he wants to save himself from the horrible fate that awaits him. The loss will naturally create intense grief and restlessness. He should weep so much, remembering his sins, and he should continue to beg pardon of Allah (S.w.T.) restlessly so that when his end comes, the angel of death give him good tiding. His tears and entreaties put off the fire of hell.

His crying removes the darkness of his heart.

The Holy Prophet of Allah says,

“A repentant becomes like the one who had never sinned; rather, better than him.”

The Almighty Allah says,

 Surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him)…

 This means that by weeping in fear of Allah (S.w.T.)’s chastisement and by reforming one’s character through good deeds, man can achieve nearness to Allah (S.w.T.). Allah (S.w.T.) is pleased with such an attitude.

Imam Sajjad (a.s.) prays to Almighty Allah,

“My Lord! Grant me the TawfÄ«q of such a repentance which takes me to the point of Your love.”

(Sahīfa al-Sajjadiyah)

 “My Lord! Make me reach You through Tawba.”

(Du’a Abu Hamzah Thumali)

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