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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 50 Disrespect of Ka’ba The Forty-seventh Greater Sin: Disrespect of Ka'ba

The Forty-seventh Greater Sin: Disrespect of Ka'ba

Chapter 50

The Forty-seventh Greater Sin: Disrespect of Ka’ba


After the Holy Qur’an there is nothing more respected and venerated than the Holy Ka’ba. Every Muslim is well-aware that not only is the disrespect of Ka’ba a greater sin, in some cases it tantamounts to Kufr and apostasy, as mentioned in the chapter of disrespect of Qur’an.

SadÅ«q (r.a.) narrates from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said,

“Nothing is more honourable in the eyes of Allah than the following Three: The Holy Qur’an, which is His wisdom and Light, His House which He has appointed as the Qibla for men, and the Progeny of his Prophet (a.s.).”

(Khisāl of Sadūq)

He (a.s.) also said,

“Allah has not created any house on the earth more loved by Him than the Ka’ba and more honoured by Him.”

(Man la Yahzarul Faqih)

Every believer and all the Muslims are well-aware of the fact that disrespecting the Holy Ka’ba is a very serious crime. In fact it is obligatory for Muslims to respect the entire sanctuary and the city of Makkah.

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