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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 47 Intrigue,Deception & Breaking Covenants What is the Meaning of Two tongued and Two faced?

What is the Meaning of Two tongued and Two faced?

What is the Meaning of Two tongued and Two faced? 

There are many types of hypocrites.

 a)                  It is a person who says two opposite things. He is always on the look-out for worldly benefits and he makes contradictory statements. For example after accepting something he rejects it. Or after testifying to something he changes his testimony. Or he praises someone in his presence but maligns him behind his back.

 b)                  Double faced and double tongued is the one who meets two opposing parties and expresses his solidarity with both of them.

 c)                  A person who tells two enemies who speak against one another, what each has said against another. It is worse than tale-telling, because tale-telling is one-way. But the one who does this is a two-tongued person.

 d)                  A person who meets two people who are hostile to each other, and to each he praises his foe. This is also double tongued behaviour.

 e)                  To promise help and assistance to two opposing parties.

 All the above examples are of hypocrites but if one meets two opposing parties and is friendly to both of them and praises both of them without conveying what each had said about the other, it is not hypocrisy.

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