
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Abuse and Taunt

Abuse and Taunt 

The Messenger of Allah (S) said,

“Abusing a believer is like throwing oneself into destruction.”

(al-Kāfi Vol. 2 page 359)

Abusing is associating evil things with the believers and using inappropriate language with respect to them. In legal terminology accusing someone falsely of adultery or illegitimacy is Qa‍af, which has been dealt with in the previous part. Other evil allegations like calling him usurer, drunkard, accursed, betrayer of trust, donkey, dog, pig, transgressor, evil doer etc. with the intention of disgracing him, is abuse.

The Prophet (S) also said,

“Abusing a believer is transgression. Fighting him is infidelity and devouring his flesh (doing his GhiÄ«ba) is a sin and his wealth has the sanctity like his blood.”

(al-Kāfi Vol. 2 page 360)

 This hadith indicates that the sin of abusing a Mu’min is more serious than GhiÄ«ba. This is so because abuse is more hurtful than GhiÄ«ba. GhiÄ«ba is done behind a person’s back but abuse in his presence shows contempt and humiliates him.

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