
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 45 Tale Telling There is no rain due to Tale-telling

There is no rain due to Tale-telling

There is no rain due to Tale-telling

When there was drought in Bani Israel, Prophet MÅ«sa (a.s.) prayed for rain. It was revealed to him: I shall not accept the prayers of your companions and you because there is a tale-teller amongst you who does not abstain from tale-telling. MÅ«sa (a.s.) beseeched Allah to tell him the name of that person so that he could be removed from the society. Allah said, “I Myself prohibit tale-telling how can I expose the tale-teller?”

On hearing this all of them repented together and the tale-teller also repented with them and finally it rained.

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)


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