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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 39 Non–Payment of Zakat 6. A Goodly Loan, Qard ul-Hasan

6. A Goodly Loan, Qard ul-Hasan

6. A Goodly Loan, Qard ul-Hasan 

It is a loan given to a needy Muslim. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,

“It is written on the door of Paradise that there are ten virtues of giving sadaqah and eighteen for giving Qard  ul-Hasan.”


Imam (a.s.) also said,

“When a believer gives a loan to a believer for the sake of Allah (S.w.T.)’s pleasure, Allah (S.w.T.) considers this loan as Sadaqah till the time it is returned.”


 For every moment that he gives respite to the debtor he gets the rewards of the loan as though it were Sadaqah. Because in spite of having the right to demand his money he gives respite. It is as if he had given that amount in Sadaqah, again. Thus he becomes eligible of other recompense of this amount, that is the reward of giving it in Sadaqah.

Apart from this the same Imam (a.s.) has mentioned that “Māūn”(household items) whose neglect is promised punishment by Allah (S.w.T.) in Qur’an is not Zakat. It denotes giving loans to the needy people and giving items of daily use to people for temporary use.

Abu BasÄ«r told Imam (a.s.), “Whenever our neighbours borrow something from us they return it broken and in damaged condition. Would we be sinners if we were to refuse them?”

“If they are such, there is no sin on you,” replied Imam (a.s.).

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