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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 35 Pride or Arrogance It is not correct to be humble before a disbeliever or a transgressor

It is not correct to be humble before a disbeliever or a transgressor

It is not correct to be humble before a disbeliever or a transgressor

It is not advisable to be respectful and humble towards non-believers. One should not deal with them at a level of equality or superiority. A disbeliever is not deserving of respect because he does not acknowledge Allah (S.w.T.), the Supreme Being and in effect has degraded himself to a despicable position of those who openly defy Allah (S.w.T.); like the disbeliever who proclaims his disbelief with impunity, and the sinner and transgressor who sins openly and brazenly, the oppressor, and the one who insults the signs of Allah (S.w.T.); these are the people whom we should treat with anger and harshness, for the sake of Allah (S.w.T.).

Thus we must be humble and lowly before the believer and high and arrogant before the disbeliever. If any believer accords respect to a disbeliever, it is, as if he has preferred disbelief to faith in the Almighty Allah (S.w.T.). That is he has acted in a contrary manner. Because honour is for Allah (S.w.T.), the prophet and the believers. (Surah Munafiqūn).
It is not correct to be humble before a disbeliever or a transgressor

It is not advisable to be respectful and humble towards non-believers. One should not deal with them at a level of equality or superiority. A disbeliever is not deserving of respect because he does not acknowledge Allah (S.w.T.), the Supreme Being and in effect has degraded himself to a despicable position of those who openly defy Allah (S.w.T.); like the disbeliever who proclaims his disbelief with impunity, and the sinner and transgressor who sins openly and brazenly, the oppressor, and the one who insults the signs of Allah (S.w.T.); these are the people whom we should treat with anger and harshness, for the sake of Allah (S.w.T.).

 Thus we must be humble and lowly before the believer and high and arrogant before the disbeliever. If any believer accords respect to a disbeliever, it is, as if he has preferred disbelief to faith in the Almighty Allah (S.w.T.). That is he has acted in a contrary manner. Because honour is for Allah (S.w.T.), the prophet and the believers. (Surah MunafiqÅ«n).

‘Ali (a.s.) says,

“The Messenger of Allah (S) has commanded us to behave with sinners in an acerbic way.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia, Kitab Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f)

‘Ali (a.s.) says,

“The Messenger of Allah (S) has commanded us to behave with sinners in an acerbic way.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia, Kitab Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f)

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