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Signs of Pride

Signs of Pride 

1)                  When we speak to a person having same social status as us, regarding a fact, which is difficult for him to accept and he does not express any pleasure it denotes that he is proud.

 2)                  If in gatherings and social events he finds it difficult to sit in place which is below his dignity or he dislikes to walk behind, then this person is proud.

 3)                  If he finds it difficult to salute a person lower than him in social status, he is proud.

 4)                  If it is difficult for him to accept the invitation of poor people or to sit with beggars it is a sign of pride.

 5)                  If he feels it is below his dignity to purchase household items and to carry them home, he is proud. But considering his social status and the prevailing circumstances if such an action would be the cause of criticism and backbiting among the people there is no blame on him.

 6)                  If a person is averse to wearing clothes of inferior quality and desires to wear good clothes considering them to be a sign of greatness, he is proud. Except, as already mentioned, when inferior dress may be a cause of disrespect to him.

 7)                  If one does not like to sit together with a servant or the student, it is a sign of pride.

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