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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 32 Not Helping the Oppressed The worldly and the heavenly rewards for those who help the believers

The worldly and the heavenly rewards for those who help the believers

The worldly and the heavenly rewards for those who help the believers 

A large number of traditions have reached us which emphasise the necessity of helping and assisting the believer and the rewards that are earned by those who do so. Let us study some of these traditions:

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said:

“One who responds to the entreaties of his believing brother in difficulties and makes him glad and helps him and fulfills his needs; then seventy two bounties become incumbent for him from Allah. One of these bounties is given to him in this world so that it can solve his worldly problems and the other seventy one are stored for him to remove the dread and difficulties of the Hereafter.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

He (a.s.) has also said:

“If a person tries to fulfill the need of a believer and he completes it, the Almighty Allah writes in the scroll of deeds the rewards of a Hajj and Umra and Ihtikāf of two months in Masjidul Harām and fasts of two months. But if the need is not completely fulfilled the reward of one Hajj and Umra is written.”

(Al Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f)

 Imam (a.s.) has also mentioned that it was revealed upon Hazrat DawÅ«d (a.s.) that,

“When one good deed of one of My servants reaches Me I shall grant him Paradise.”

DawÅ«d (a.s.) asked, “O my Lord what deed is that?”

“Removing sorrow and difficulties of a believer, even if it is as little as giving him a date (fruit)!”

DawÅ«d (a.s.) said, “It is only You O Allah! Who is of such greatness that once a person recognises You, he must never despair of Your Mercy.”

It is quoted from MaimÅ«n bin Mahram in the book Faqih, “I was sitting in the assembly of Imam Hasan (a.s.) when a person entered and said, ‘O son of the Messenger of Allah. I am indebted to such and such person and now he wants to imprison me.’

Imam (a.s.) said,

‘I do not have any money to repay your debt.’

He said, ‘Maybe you can speak to him so that he will not put me in prison.’

Imam (a.s.) arose and put on his shoes. I said, ‘O son of the Messenger (S) did you forget that you are in Ihtikāf and cannot go out of the mosque?’

Imam (a.s.) said,

‘I have not forgotten, but I have heard my father say that the Holy Prophet (S) had said, “One who tries to fulfill the needs of his believing brother is as if he has for 9000 years fasted during the days and prayed during the nights.’”

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