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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 32 Not Helping the Oppressed It is not necessary that only those who request for help should be assisted

It is not necessary that only those who request for help should be assisted

It is not necessary that only those who request for help should be assisted

We should know that helping an oppressed does not become Wajib only when they request for help. Every person who is capable of removing difficulties of a believer must do so and if the needy person has entreated for assistance it becomes all the more important. As the Messenger of Allah (S) says,

“One who hears the entreaty of a man, ‘O Muslims! Come for my help,’ and does not assist him, is not a Muslim.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,

“If a person requests his Muslim brother to help him and the latter does not do so inspite of being capable enough; the Almighty Allah installs a huge snake from (the snakes of) Hell on his grave so that it can continuously bite him.”


 In another tradition it is reported that such a person will continue to receive this punishment till Qiyāma even if he had been pardoned (for other sins). Moreover, Imam (a.s.) also said,

“No person refrains from helping and pleasing his Muslim brother unless there is some benefit in it.” (i.e. his helping would have been sinful instead of rewarding).”

There are many traditions of this type from the Holy Imams (a.s.). Imam Sajjad (a.s.) says:

“The sin which results in the descending of calamities is when one does not respond to the call for help of the helpless people.”

(Māni al Akhbār)

Then the Imam (a.s.) invocated Allah (S.w.T.) saying,

“O Allah! I plead for forgiveness for the time when someone is oppressed in my presence and I do not help him. I seek refuge in You for not helping an oppressed and a needy person.”

(Sahīfa al-Sajjadia)

Traditions on this subject are numerous and widespread. Let us be content with the ones we have discussed.

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