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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 30 Becoming A’Arāb after Hijrat Ignorance of Islamic acts is a kind of nomadism

Ignorance of Islamic acts is a kind of nomadism

Ignorance of Islamic acts is a kind of nomadism

The above two verses which flay the infidel Bedouins are clear regarding the fact that the nomads were deserving of criticism not because of their being dwellers of desert. It was because of their ignorance of articles of Islamic acts and belief. For those Bedouins who followed the Islamic religion, the Holy book has praised them in the third verse. They have been promised Divine Mercy.

On the basis of this, people who avoid learning Islamic rules and regulations and those who keep away from the centres of religious knowledge are in fact, nomads, and the verse denouncing the desert Arabs also applies to them even though they are living in cities.

The respected Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) remarked:

“Learn the rules of religion. Those of you who do not learn about religion are nomads. As the Almighty Allah says in His book,

  ‘Why does not a company from you goes to learn about religion so that when they come back they can warn their people in order they may become fearful (of disobeying Allah).’”

(Surah at-Tawba 9:122)

  (Bihār al-Anwār, Book of Aql)

  Thus one who does not try to learn about religion and articles of faith is a desert dweller. The Imam (a.s.) also told his followers:

“Knowledge of the Divine religion is incumbent on you. And do not become a nomad. Because if you fail to understand a religious act, Allah will not look upon it with Mercy on the Day of Qiyāma and He will not purify that deed.”

 (ShahÄ«d al-Thani)

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