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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 24 The Twenty-Second Greater Sin:Khayanat Illegally using someone’s property

Illegally using someone’s property

Illegally using someone’s property 

It is a sort of injustice to use the property or a thing belonging to someone else without his permission. It is Harām even to borrow something without the permission of the owner. It is Harām to use the thing even for a moment. In fact, even displacing a thing without permission is Harām when there is no valid excuse.

A person using an article without the owner’s permission has to give it back immediately or ask permission for its use. If any damage has occurred to the property the user has to make good the loss.

If one expects that the owner will permit the use of his property, then its use without permission is allowed. But the user will have to compensate in case there is any damage to the property.

A user is not accountable if a property is damaged despite his best efforts to safeguard it, but he will be responsible if the damage is the result of his carelessness.

The 91st verse of Surah at-Tawba says,

 “…there is no way (to blame) against the doers of good...”

 According to this ayat the trustee who has done a good deed by guarding a property will not be liable for any loss or damage. The one who entrusts has no lawful recourse against the trustee.

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