
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 23 Non fulfilment of a Promise Expiation of a vow or a covenant

Expiation of a vow or a covenant

Expiation of a vow or a covenant

Breaking of a covenant, whether absolute or conditional, is Harām. The expiation becomes Wajib in case of default. It is the same penalty as that of breaking or omitting, without any reason, a fast of the month of Ramadhan, i.e. feeding sixty poor people, keeping sixty fasts or freeing a slave.

If a vow is broken its kaffarah (expiation) is same as that of breaking an oath. That is, feeding, or clothing ten poor people or freeing a slave; but if he cannot do any of these then it is Wajib for him to keep Three fasts.


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