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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 17 Fifteenth Greater Sin: Music Music Causes Shamelessness and Hypocrisy

Music Causes Shamelessness and Hypocrisy

Music Causes Shamelessness and Hypocrisy

The Sixth Imam (a.s.) has also stated,

“The playing of violin promotes the growth of hypocrisy in the heart like water assists the growth of vegetation (algae).”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 Imam (a.s.) also says,

“If drums and cymbals are played at one’s house for forty days, Allah will impose a satan by the name of ‘faqandir’. The satans will infiltrate into every cell of the person’s body. With the spread of this evil, the person loses all sense of dignity and self-esteem. He will then not care as to what he says or what is said about him. Then, this satan blows into this person. As a result, he becomes utterly shameless. So mush so that he is not concerned or affected even if his women are dishonoured.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 It is usually observed that the people in whose homes music is played with regularity either using musical instruments or by radio or cassettes are absolutely shameless and wanton.

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