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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 14 Twelfth Greater Sin: Qažaf One Who Utters Abuses Will Himself be Humiliated

One Who Utters Abuses Will Himself be Humiliated

One Who Utters Abuses Will Himself be Humiliated

Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari relates that ‘Ali (a.s.) saw that a man was abusing Hazrat Qambar and Qambar was about to reply to him. ‘Ali (a.s.) called him:

“Qambar, stop! Humiliate the one who curses you by remaining silent. In this way the Beneficent will be satisfied with you and the shaitan angry. And you will be able to hurt your foe. You will please that Allah who splits the seed and cause pleasant winds to blow. No one can please Allah more with his forbearance, similarly nothing makes Shaitan more angry than silence in return of abuse. The revenge taken from an idiot (ignorant) person in this way is not possible in any other way.”


 If a person who is abused responds with kind and gentle words like, ‘Do not abuse your brother’, he occupies a very high position with Allah (S.w.T.).

The Holy Qur’an says;

 “And not alike are the good and the evil. Repel (evil) with what is best. When lo! he between whom and you is enmity would be as if he were a warm friend. And none are made to receive it but those who are patient, and none are made to receive it but those who have mighty good fortune.”

(Surah Hamim 41:34-35)

 The following incident is quoted in the book ‘Kashful Ghumma’:

 A Syrian came to Madinah. He saw a handsome man astride a good camel. Upon enquiry he learnt that it was Imam Hasan ibn ‘Ali (a.s.).

This man from Syria stepped forward in anger and said;”Are you the son of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib?”

“Yes, I am the son of ‘Ali.”

He said, “You are the son of a person who was a mushrik (polytheist)”. And he continued his foul utterances till he got tired of it. Imam Hasan (a.s.) remained silent. At last the man felt ashamed. The Imam (a.s.) seeing his remorse said;

“You look like a traveller, are you from Syria?”

“Yes sir”, he replied.

Imam Hasan (a.s.) said,

“If you need a place to stay, we shall provide it. If you need money we would give it you. If you have any other problem, we shall help you.”

Not only was the Syrian ashamed but was also rendered speechless by such excellent behaviour.

The following are his words:

“After I had the good fortune of enjoying the hospitality of Imam Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s.), I found his personality more likeable than that of any other person in the world.”

Imam Hasan (a.s.) had offered the same type of hospitality to Asam bin Mutlaq the Syrian, and he too became his devotee.

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