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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 12 Tenth Greater Sin: Fornication In the Chains of Fire with Iblīs

In the Chains of Fire with Iblīs

In the Chains of Fire with IblÄ«s 

That person who embraces a non-mahram woman will be tied with chains, together with Iblīs on the day of Qiyāma. These chains shall be of fire and both of them shall be tossed into Hell together. The following are also the words of the tradition:

 “One who glances at a woman, but instantly looks away at the sky or turns his gaze down; before he could remove his gaze fully, Allah marries him to a black-eyed houri and he creates such a freshness of belief in his heart that he is extremely delighted.”

 (Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 It is reported from the Holy Prophet (S) that he said;

“The wrath of Allah is very severe upon the married woman who apart from her husband sees another non-mahram man with a prolonged glance. When this woman does this, Allah the mighty invalidates all her good deeds and does not give her any rewards.”

(Bihār al-Anwār)

 A few traditions mention that looking at a woman in hijab is also not allowed. Although it is a generally considered a makrÅ«h act. Although there are numerous traditions that denounce glancing at non-mahrams these shall suffice for our purpose.

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