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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 12 Tenth Greater Sin: Fornication The meaning of Ithm and ghayyi

The meaning of Ithm and ghayyi

The meaning of Ithm and ghayyi 

The book Minhāj us-Sādiqīn states that Ithm (sin) in this ayat denotes a valley of Hell. Fornicators shall be punished in this valley. It is also said that Ghayyi means the secretions of blood and puss from the private parts of the people of Hell. It is a black puss.

Another ayat says:

 “But there came after them an evil generation, who neglected prayers and followed the sexual desires, so they will meet perdition.”

(Surah Maryam 19:59)

 Some traditions record that the Ithm of the previous verse and ghayyi  of this verse are two wells in Hell. These two wells are so terrible and deep that if a stone is dropped into one of them, it will take seventy years to reach the bottom.

It is mentioned in Surah al-‘Isrā’:

 “And go not nigh to Fornication, surely it is an indecency and an evil way.”

(Surah al-‘Isrā’, 17:32)

 It is an evil due to which paternity is not established. It leads to corruption and mischief. The child that is born is bereft of inheritance. The child that is born and its father do not have rights upon each other like the legal father and son.

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