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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 11 Ninth Greater Sin: Usury Transaction Involving Interest

Transaction Involving Interest

Transaction Involving Interest

If any of the following conditions are present in a transaction, it becomes a transaction of interest, and is Harām:

 1)      Whatever is taken and whatever is given back are of the same material but the quantities are unequal. Or if the quantities are equal, there is disparity in quality etc.

 2)      When only one standard of measure and weight is employed, the amount taken and given back is of unequal measure or weight. However, at the time of borrowing if the measure of weight is kilogram but while returning it, it is SÄ«r or Pound it is allowed. In the same way whatever was taken by the unit of measurement as metre and returned by the units of measurement as foot or yard, is valid too.

 In the same way it is Harām for a person to lend one Mound of wheat for a month and in return borrow one mound of wheat for two months from the same person. Even though the quantity is the same, the transaction is Harām because time is also a significant factor.


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