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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 11 Ninth Greater Sin: Usury Punishment of Usurers in the Barzakh

Punishment of Usurers in the Barzakh

Punishment of Usurers in the Barzakh 

The Holy Prophet (S) has also stated:

“On the night of ascension (Miraj) I saw some people trying to stand up but did not succeed because of their huge bellies, I asked, O JibrÄ«l, who are these people?”

JibrÄ«l replied, “They are those who have taken usury. Now they can only stand up like those who have been possessed by the Devils.”

The Prophet (S) continues,

“Then I saw them herded upon the path of the followers of Fir’on. Seeing the extreme heat of the fire they exclaimed. O God! Then when will be Qiyāma?” (It is clear that the fire mentioned in the tradition is of the punishment of Barzakh).

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