
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 9 Seventh Greater Sin: Qat’a ar-Rahm It Does Not Matter if We Are Kind to Certain Relatives Who Are Not Muslim

It Does Not Matter if We Are Kind to Certain Relatives Who Are Not Muslim

It Does Not Matter if We Are Kind to Certain Relatives Who Are Not Muslim 

It is simply clear by now that for Sileh-Rahem and Qat’a ar-Rahm, the Shari’a does not distinguish between a Muslim and a Kafir or between a pious and a sinful person. At the same time we also know that Islam exhorts us to shun infidels and to dissociate with them. These contradicting views will cause some confusion in our minds and a word of explanation is in order.

 Undoubtedly Islam orders us to detest kafirs, hence it is improper to behave well with them. Good behaviour towards a Kafir is an outward act and at a social level. While hating him for being an Kafir is how you feel and think about him at a spiritual level. Since Sileh-Rahem is obligatory, we must behave well with our Kafir relatives, but at no stage should we be oblivious of the fact that they are non-believers and deserve to be hated for being Kafirs.


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