Dawūd Raqqi the Companion of the Sixth Imam (a.s.)

DawÅ«d Raqqi the Companion of the Sixth Imam (a.s.) 

DawÅ«d Raqqi says: “I was sitting in the company of Imam (a.s.) when Imam (a.s.) himself started speaking and said:

“DawÅ«d, on Thursday the report of your deeds was presented to me and I saw among your deeds the Silet ar-Rahm which you have performed with your cousin (brother), I was very pleased. However, I know that this Silet ar-Rahm of yours will (because of his Qat’a ar-Rahm towards you) be the cause of his early death.”

(Bihār al-Anwār)

 DawÅ«d, the companion of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says: “My cousin used to bear enmity towards me. He was an evil person. When I came to know about his destitution, I went to Makkah and gave him some money so that he could manage himself for some time. It was this action of mine about which Imam (a.s.) was informed and he told of it on my return to Madinah.”


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