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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 8 - al-Walidayn(Disobedience to parents) Goodness to Parents is the Expiation of Sins

Goodness to Parents is the Expiation of Sins

Goodness to Parents is the Expiation of Sins

Goodness towards the parents is the expiation of various sins. It is related in a report that a man came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said, “O, Prophet of Allah (S) there is not a single misdeed, that I have not committed. Is there repentance for me?” The Holy Prophet (S) told him,

“Go and do goodness to your father in order that your sins may be expiated.”

When the man left the assembly the Prophet (S) said,

“If his mother had been alive, it would have been more meritorious to do good to her.”


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