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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 8 - al-Walidayn(Disobedience to parents) Spiritual Fathers Are More Qualified For Kindness

Spiritual Fathers Are More Qualified For Kindness

Spiritual Fathers Are More Qualified For Kindness

Whatever has been mentioned till now concerns the biological parents; however the spiritual fathers or the guides of humanity are Hazrat Muhammad (S) and his Purified Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.). All of us are spiritually related to them. In every circumstance their followers can be enriched by virtues and get protection from calamities. The Holy Prophet (S) has informed, “I and ‘Ali (both) are the fathers of this Umma.”

 The spiritual fathers are superior to the biological parents in a manner that the soul is superior to the physical body. Similarly the punishment of the ‘Ä€q’ of the spiritual fathers is much more severe than that of the ‘Ä€q’ of ordinary parents.


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