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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 6 Disregard of Allah ’s punishment An Excerpt From the Will of ‘Ali (a.s.)

An Excerpt From the Will of ‘Ali (a.s.)

An Excerpt From the Will of ‘Ali (a.s.)

The will of ‘Ali (a.s.) is phrased in the following manner:

“This writing is that in which we have willed regarding one’s belongings. The slave of Allah, ‘Ali hopes that Allah shall reward him for this by Heaven and shall protect him from the fire of the Hell on the day when the faces of some people would be white and the others black. Whatever property I own in ‘Yambao’ and its suburbs, I leave all of it as an endowment to achieve the happiness of Allah.”

Inspite of excelling in good deeds and worship, while returning from a battle, he was seen exclaiming,

“Certainly, the best deed of a man is to die a martyr. I fear I may not get a chance to achieve martyrdom.”

At last the Holy Prophet (S) informed him:

“O ‘Ali! Your end shall be martyrdom.”


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