
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

‘Imla’, Respite

‘Imla’, Respite

‘Allah (S.w.T.)’s plan’ includes ‘Imla’. From the time Allah (S.w.T.) created man it has been a Divine practice that the thankless ones and the sinners should not be punished for their sins immediately. Rather they are given a long respite. Since everyone is prone to sin except the Infallibles, if each one were to be punished for their misdeeds immediately, not a single person would remain on the face of the earth. Allah (S.w.T.) has stated in the Holy Qur’an,

 “And if Allah had destroyed men for their inequity, He would not leave on the earth a single creature, but He respites them till an appointed time...”

(Surah an-Nahl 16:61)

 Besides, Imla proves to be the Grace of Allah (S.w.T.) for the pious. It gives them time to reflect upon their behaviour, realize their mistakes, repent, and make a firm intention not to repeat their sins. Allah (S.w.T.)’s indulgence thus helps them to achieve the good in this world and the hereafter. On the other hand indulgence shown to unrepentant sinners only makes them heedless of the fact that eventually they will be accountable for their deeds. They continue to commit one sin upon another and when their corruption reaches a limit, a sudden punishment descends upon them.

 “And I grant them respite; surely My scheme is effective.”

(Surah al-Ar’āf 7:183)

 Disbelievers and sinners leading successful and comfortable lives may conceitedly feel that their capabilities have brought them success but in reality all that they have is a form of punishment from Allah (S.w.T.) and a sort of retribution which is referred to as ‘the Plan of Allah (S.w.T.).”

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