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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 4 Second Greater Sin: Yās (Deaspair) Second Example: Musa (a.s.) and Fir’on

Second Example: Musa (a.s.) and Fir’on

Second Example: Musa (a.s.) and Fir’on 

History records that the tyrant rulers have always oppressed Allah (S.w.T.)’s representative on earth, the Prophets and the Imams. These rulers have made relentless use of all the might and power at their command to pursue the Prophets and terminate their lives. But the Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) used to render their efforts null and void. The life of Musa (a.s.) during the reign of Fir’on is full of such instances from the beginning to end.

 A powerful king like Fir’on wanted to kill Hazrat Musa (a.s.) while he was still in his mother’s womb, but he did not succeed and Musa (a.s.) was born. Fir’on continued in his efforts to murder him but all his plans were foiled by Allah (S.w.T.). Physical and spiritual causes are of no significance in comparison to the Divine decree. Thus Musa (a.s.) was not only born safely but grew up in Fir’on’s own palace and in his own lap.

 “And Fir’on’s wife said: A refreshment of the eye to me and to you; do not slay him; maybe he will be useful to us, or we may take him for a son; and they did not perceive.”

(Surah al-Qaŝaŝ 28:9)

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