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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 3 First Greater Sin: Shirk (Polytheism) Religious Leaders Who Worship the World are Bandits on the Highway to Allah (S.w.T.)

Religious Leaders Who Worship the World are Bandits on the Highway to Allah (S.w.T.)

Religious Leaders Who Worship the World are Bandits on the Highway to Allah (S.w.T.)

It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): “When you see a religious scholar in love of this world, do not consider him religious. Certainly one who loves an object, his condition and disposition is like that of his beloved. (It means that one who loves this world will not care for the Hereafter). Allah revealed upon Hazrat DawÅ«d (a.s.) :

“O DawÅ«d do not make an Ä€lim an intermediary between you and Me, who is involved in the love of this world. He will hinder you from My path (i.e. he will make you too a worshipper of the world like himself). Certainly such Ä€lims are bandits who waylay the people approaching My abode. The least that I would do to them is that I shall remove from their hearts the love of conversation with Me and sweetness too.”


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