
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Tawhid and Acceptance (Taslim)

Tawhid and Acceptance (Taslim)

One who believes in Tawhid should accept all the Divine decrees with humility. He should believe that various factors like honour and dishonour, health and ailments, richness and poverty, death and life are all according to the Divine decree. He should not oppose any of these either by speech or by actions. He should not even express his opinion in such affairs. For example, “Why has this happened? It should have been like this.” Or to say, “Why did it not rain? Why is it so hot?” One should not say, “Why has Allah (S.w.T.) not given me wealth or children?” “Why did such and such person die in his youth and why did the other attained old age?” “Why has Allah (S.w.T.) prohibited this and made obligatory that?”

One who utters such things makes himself a partner in the absolute authority of the Almighty Allah (S.w.T.).

There maybe people who worship the One and only God, establish prayers, pay the Zakat, perform Hajj and also fast during the month of Ramadhan. But if they have any objection against those obligations prescribed by Allah (S.w.T.) or His Prophet (S) and say, “Why was it not this way?” or even if they have such thoughts and do not express them in words, still they are polytheists (mushrikÅ«n).

 “But no! by your Lord! they do not believe until they make you a judge of that which has become a matter of disagreement among them, and then do not find any straitness in their hearts as to what you have decided and submit with entire submission.”

(Surah an-Nisā’ 4:65)

 Allama Majlisi comments, “...any objection against the Divine decree and the utterances of the Pure Imams (a.s.) is tantamount to Shirk.”

Thus it is obligatory for the believers of Tawhid that when they fall into misfortune and calamities they should restrain their tongues and hearts from objecting against the Divine decree. However the weeping and expression of grief at the death of friends and relative is allowed and rather recommended. What is not permitted is to say, “Why has this happened? It should not have happened.”

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