
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Fear of Allah (S.w.T.)

Fear of Allah (S.w.T.)

A believer who has reached the highest stage of belief fears nothing but the Might of Allah (S.w.T.) and his own sins. It is because he has realized that all the creatures from Adam (a.s.) to the angels and all the animals, birds and insects are the obedient soldiers of Allah (S.w.T.). None of them move a step without His command. Hence they could not cause any harm or benefit without Allah (S.w.T.)’s permission. When a person develops this belief he is not fearful of anything. Even if all the swords of the world come to attack. If Allah (S.w.T.) wills, not a single nerve could be cut by them.

The opposition of both the friend and the foe is from Allah (S.w.T.). Because the hearts of both are in the control of Allah (S.w.T.). However evil the claimant may intend, only that which Allah (S.w.T.) permits comes to pass. There is a tradition that,

“The extreme kind of belief consists of not fearing anything except Allah.”

The Holy Prophet (S) used to recite this in prostration.

“O Allah if Your anger is not upon me then there is nothing I care for.”


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